Chapter 12

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We checked out and walked to the car. We put the groceries into the car.

"Still want to drive?" Ricky asked stretching his hand out with the keys.

"Yes." I snatched the keys out of his hands and ran to the drivers seat.

Ricky got in on the passenger side and I started the car. I think I went fast because Ricky tensed up and at red lights held my hand with his shaking one. We finally arrived back at Ricky an Connor's apartment.

"I see why Kian doesn't let you drive as much." Ricky said unbuckling his seat belt. "You remember the deal?"

"Yes." I said rolling my eyes.

"Lets go put the food away and make the video." Ricky said opening the trunk where the groceries were. "Put your arms out."

I put my arms out and he put three bags on each arm. We walked up up to the apartment. I put the food away as Ricky set the camera up.

"It's ready." he said calling from his room. I closed the fridge and walked into his room closing the door behind me.

"Ricky, I just realized something." I said pausing taking a deep breathe.

"What is it?" he asked getting up and wrapping his arms around me.

"What is Kian going to do?" I asked looking up at him. "He's still my brother, and he is going to find out with the rest of your fans. I don't think he is going to take it that well."

"Don't worry." Ricky said pulling me close. "As long as we are together we will be fine. Even if people don't except us."

"Your so corny." I said and he laughed kissing me.

"Lets do this." he said sitting on his bed. Patting the seat next to him in the bed. I gladly took it. "Hey guys! It's Ricky!"

"And Tara."

"And I, I mean, we have something to announce." Ricky looked at me. "We are together." he said taking my hand.

"So expect cheesy photos and me in more videos." I said.

"That's really it." Ricky said. "I swear this is the most awkward video I ever did. But anyway guys, see you later." he turned off the camera.

After a hour of irreverent editing. The video was done.

"Ready?" he asked looking up at me from his chair.

I took the mouse and clicked upload. Ricky pulled me onto his lap and we watched as the video uploaded. All that was going threw my mind was; what is Kian going to think.

"Calm down." Ricky said his head on my shoulder. "It's going to be fine."

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