Chapter 31 (Finally!)

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I'm back at the apartment, when someone knocks on the door.

"It's open!" I yell, and I hear mumbling.

"Hey." I turned around, it was Alexis.

"Hey." I said disappointed of how she has the nerve to show up at my apartment pregnant. "What are you doing here?"

"Connor won't talk to me," she said.

"I wouldn't either." I mumbled.

"I was wondering if you could tell him I'm sorry." she said.

"No." I snapped. "I'm tired of doing things for you. If you really cared about Connor. You wouldn't not have gotten pregnant and you would be saying sorry to Connor face to face."

"I'm sorry," she said walking out. "Neighbor."

I went to my room and started packing my things. A few minutes later the door opened.

"Honey, I'm home." Ricky yelled, I ran to him.

"Is that room offering still open?" I asked.

"Yup, I'll help you pack." he said walking to my room.


"How many bags do you have?" Kian complained as he helped out with moving my bags into the house.

"Shut up." I said. "Are sure you're okay with me staying with Ricky."

"Yeah." he said.

"Sleeping in the same bed?" I asked annoying him.

"You need to stop." he said.

"I would, but this is too much fun." I said.

"So, after we get you all moved in," Trevor started. "Wanna all go out to lunch."

"Sure." we all said.

"Where will we go?" Connor asked.

"In-n-Out Burger?" Trevor suggested.

"Yeah," I said. "That sounds wonderful."


After a hour of unpacking my stuff into Ricky's room. We were ready to leave for lunch.

"Are you sure you wanna?" Kian asked before we left. I wanted to skateboard there but, Kian being the 'older' brother had to stop me.

"Yes! I've been waiting to since I left that hell hole!" I exclaimed.

"Alright but," oh great. "Safety first." he handed me his old helmet.

"No way in hell am I, wearing that." I said disgusted. "Kian, I'll be fine."

"Okay," he said throwing the helmet on the grass. Then we were off to In-n-Out.

It was far away but, a lot if fun to get to. Two girls stopped the boys and asked for a picture. One actually told me I should make a channel. I always wanted to but, so much effort. I told her I would think about it. We finally arrived there and ordered enough food for a whole football team. After we ate I remembered I had left something at my apartment. We weren't that far so Connor went with me to get it. I walked up to the front desk and asked for the key and they let me.

"You sure you still wanna come with me?" I asked Connor.

"Yup." he said as we made up stairs to my old apartment.

"Lets make this quick," I said sprinting into the apartment with Connor. I grabbed my radio and turned around. No Connor.

"Connor?" I asked walking to the kitchen. He was holding a old picture of him, me, Ricky, and Alexis.

"I remember this day." he said eyes tearing. "That's when I first found out I liked her."

"Connor you have to move on," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "She wasn't even good enough for you."

"I'm not talking about Alexis." he shouted, I removed my hand off his shoulder. "I-I'm talking about you." he turned around to face me.

"No." I said backing away. "No, Connor, no."

"I never liked Alexis, I've always liked you." he said getting emotional. "I used her to try and get you jealous, but when she would cooperate. I-"

"Connor." I said pulling him into a hug, he cried on my shoulder. "I like you to, not in that way, though."

"I understand." he said pulling away.

"You are my best friend though," I said, damn I just friend zoned him. "I would trade Kian for you any day." he laughed. "C'mon, leggo!" I said and we walked out if my old apartment that I will never go to again.

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