Chapter 9

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We get to Ricky and Connor's new place. It was a small apartment complex. But really nice. And you would see the ocean. If you really tried.

"Hey!" Connor exclaimed as he opens the door. "Come on in!"

I walk in to a tiny living area where Ricky and Jc were goofing around playing XBox or something.

"We're back." Kian said, but they ignored him. "We got Taco Bell and Starbucks."

"Thanks." Ricky and Jc ran by taking the bag of food and drinks. Kian and Sam ran after them.

"I'll go get them." Connor said running to get them, and that's right when the there was a knock at the door. "Tara go get that please."

"Alexis?!" I screamed as I saw her at Connor's door. "What are you doing here?"

"Connor invited me." she said walking in.

"Alexis!" Connor said running over to her and hugging her. "You were able to make it."

"Hey Connor." she said laughing.

We all went to eat our lunch. Well really it was breakfast to me. But yeah. Then we all moved to the living room area and played video games.

"It's so nice out and we are in here playing video games." Alexis said out of the blue. "Lets go outside."

"She's has a point." Connor said.

"Wait a few more minutes." Sam said concentrating on the screen. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. Ricky, Sam, and I had a stare off for about a few seconds then I jumped up and ran away. I was chased around the house by Ricky and Sam.

"I'm here!" I hear Trevor scream. I run towards the front door where he was still standing.

"Hi." I said running past him. I turned around to see Ricky was the only one following me now. Sam must've past out or something. As I was looking back I tripped over the side walk and fell on the ground.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Ricky asked catching up to me.

"Im fine." I said sitting up and brushing myself off.

"You really scraped up your knee." Ricky said looking down at my right knee. "Lets get you back to the house." Ricky picked me up.

"It's not broken," I said. "I can walk."

"You might trip again." he said.

"True." I said. It went silent after that.

We finally get inside. Connor got the first aid kit and cleaned and patched up my cut. Then we joined everyone else on the roof of Ricky and Connor's apartment.

"What a great view." Alexis said looking out into the sky.

"Not as great of the view I have of you." Connor says putting an arm around Alexis. I looked at them.

"They are so cute." I said as I looked over to Ricky.

"Yeah, they are." he said nodding.

"Want to hear something weird?" I asked out of the blue.

"Sure." he said looking over at me.

"Never mind," I said shaking my head. "It's really stupid."

"No tell me." Ricky said. Then I felt Ricky moving closer to me.

"I always wanted to have my first kiss in the rain.

"That's not stupid or weird," Ricky said. "It's cute, like you."

I smirked and leaned into his chest. Then I felt a rain drop on my head. I picked up my head and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Ricky asked.

"I felt a raindrop." I said looking at him.

"I felt one too." he said.

Then it turned into a complete downpour. I heard Alexis scream and I think Connor too. Thy got up and ran inside. I was going to following behind, but Ricky stopped me.

"Ricky it's down pouring, lets get inside." I said over the loud pattering of the rain drops.

"I want to try something." he leaned forward kissed me.

I'm having my first kiss with Ricky in the rain. It didn't take kind for me to react and kiss back. It was amazing. I know I'm about to sound so cheesy, but it felt like a thousand fireworks. He pulled away. I noticed my eyes were closed so I opened them to a smiling Ricky.

"Sneaky bastard." I said smiling back.

"Admit you liked it." he said.

"I didn't like it," I said and his smile disappeared. "I loved it." I said leaning up to kiss him again.

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