Chapter 25

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"I don't think we should've trusted Jc with our food." I said, as Kian flicked three the channels if the tv as we all sat in the new living room. "He has been gone for too long."
"I'm back!" Jc yelled closing the door. He handed us our food and we began to eat. My phone went off. I started chocking.
Alexis- Call 911 now and send them to our apartment. A man is here and taking our stuff.
"911, What's your emergency." the operator said.
"We need cops at apartment 3A at The Busherary. Now." I said quickly into the phone.
"What?!" all the guys exclaimed.
"We are sending cars now." the women said before I hung up. I went into tears.
"What is going on?" Kian asked putting a arm around me.
"Alexis is home and a guy is there taking all out stuff." I said in between sobs. "And I left the ring there."
"Oh no!" Ricky exclaimed.
"C'mon lets go." Connor said holding the car keys. We all left to go the apartment.
"I'm so sorry Ricky." I said as we sat in the trunk of the car.
"Sh, it's fine." he said pulling my head to his chest. "They might have not gotten to it yet."
"But what if they did?" I asked looking up at him.
"Then I will get you a new one," he said looking down at me. "But this time a actual engagement ring." he whispered.
"Wow." Connor said as we pulled up to the apartment building. Flashing lights everywhere. He parked the car and we all got out. I was just about to run past the tape but a officer stopped me.
"Can't go past this line, miss." he hissed.
"My best friend is in their!" I screamed trying the shove past him.
"Stop!" he said pushing me back slightly.
"Let me through! I was the one who called you guys here in the first place!" I demanded stepping forward.
"Miss, if you don't step back," he laughed. "I'm gonna have to shoot you."
"C'mon." I heard Kian pulling me back by my arm. "Are you crazy!?" Kian asked as he leaned me against the car.
"Yeah, I am!" I shouted back at him.
"Let me." Connor whispered to Kian. Kian backed away. "I'm worried as much as you are right now."
"Really? Because I didn't see you trying to make a effort to get in there." I said looking away.
"Listen, I am crazy about Alexis." he said. "But there are times when you need to let other people make the first move."
"So you're waiting for Alexis to ask you out?" I asked.
"Maybe." he said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Put down your weapon." we hear a officer yell. Ricky ran over to us and lead us behind the car.
Few minutes later if yelling 3 cop cars drive away. I peek my head over he too of the car and saw Alexis sitting in the ambulance with a blanket wrapped around her.
"Alexis!" I yelled getting up and running to her.
"Tara!" she said trowing the blanket off. We ran to each other and hugged. I felt a weird fabric hit my arm.
"Your arm!" I exclaimed lifting up the gauzed arm.
"They tried to take this," she said handing me my ring that Ricky gave me. "He tried to take it and I didn't let him." I was in tears hugging her.
"Thank you." I said in sobs. "You crazy assed bitch, you could've been killed!"
"Alexis!" I heard the guys yell and join out hug.
"This is a interesting way for a welcome to your new home." I heard a familiar voice. I turned around, it was Timmy.
"Timmy! What are you doing here." I asked climbing my way out the mash pit of people hugging.
"I am moving into apartment 4A." he said holding a piece of paper.
"You're our new neighbor." I said. "Guys, and Alexis. This is Timmy, the guy who did my tattoos." I said. "Wow that sounded way better in my head." the guys exchanged hellos.
Ricky forced us to stay at the house tonight and Timmy went back to his tattoo shop. He said he had a bed in the back of is office. Halfway through the night I couldn't sleep. What if Alexis didn't have her phone? And could call for help? What if he killed her? It would be all my fault, I was suppose to be home before her. If I was home before her then the guy probably would have gotten me. I would rather have it be me who was shot in the arm besides Alexis. I got up and went to Ricky's room.
"Ricky." I said shaking him.
"Hm, what?" he asked halfway sitting up. "What's wrong, hun?"
"I can't sleep." I said.
"Why not?" he asked pulling me close to him.
"It was all my fault. I should've been home a hour earlier than Alexis. It should've been me." I said in almost tears.
"It's not your fault." he said hushing me.
"She almost died because I left the ring at the apartment, she was willing to give up her life to protect that ring!" I said in full blown tears.
"Really?" I nodded my head. "Wow, but lets just go to sleep. It'll be better in the morning."
I crawled under the covers with him and fell asleep feeling the tears being wiped away.

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