Chapter 34

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I was walking Tyson with Connor around town. I was going to the pet store to get Tyson more food and treats. As I walked inside I saw a familiar face.

"Hey, Aubrey." I said.

"Oh hey." she said back.

"Oh, Aubrey this is Connor." I said pulling Connor into the store.

"Hi." Connor said shyly.

"Hi." Aubrey said back. "Wh-what can I help you with."

"I was just picking up more food and some treats for Tyson." I said giving the leash to Connor and picking up a small bag of food and treats. You could literally feel the awkward.

"Here let me help you." Aubrey said grabbing the food.

"Thank you." I walked over to the register.

"Is that it?" she asked.

"Yup." I said, I then leaned over the counter and whispered to Aubrey. "And your number for Connor over there."

"Sure." she whispered back and wrote it down on a piece of paper.

"Thank you, see you around." I said walking out of the store with Connor. "Here Connor."

"What's this?" he asked taking the piece of paper.

"Aubrey's number." I said with a smirk.

"Wh-what?" he asked shocked.

"You seemed into her," I said. "So I got it for you."

"Thanks." Connor said looking down. "Here I'll switch with you."

I took Tyson and Connor took the food and treats. We walked back home. I opened the door and the house was wrecked.

"What?" I asked turning to Connor.

"I don't know." Connor said putting down the treats next to the door.

"Ricky? Jc? Anyone?" I called out.

"Yeah." Jc said walking downstairs with good all over himself.

"Are you and Kian having a fight again?" I asked.


"You are so childish." I said rolling my eyes.

"Ricky said he had something upstairs for you." Kian said popping up behind the couch in the other room.

I ran upstairs with Tyson in my arms. I saw a note at the top of the stairs. 'I love you' it read. I smiled. It was from Ricky. I ran even faster to the room. I opened the door. There was roses petals everywhere and candles everywhere. And the most amazing thing ever, Ricky on one knee holding a small black box.

"Oh my god, Ricky," I gasped.

"We have been waiting a year for this," he started. "I think we are ready for this. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the love of my life. I love spending this time with you. I want us to be more than boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't want those labels. I want the labels husband and wife. What do you say. Do you wanna be Mrs. Dillon?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed with tears rolling down my face. He got up out the ring on my finger and pulled Tyson and I into a bear hug.

"God, I love you so much." He said kissing me.

"I love you too." I said. Then suddenly I felt a small tongue licking my face. "I love you to Tyson."

~~~5 months later~~~

"Do you Ricky Dillon, take Tara Lawley, to be your beautiful wife?" The priest asked Ricky.

"I do." He said looking into my eyes.

"Do you Tara Lawley, take Ricky Dillon, to be your valuable husband?" He asked me next.

"I do." I said looking back into Ricky's eyes.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your wife." Ricky leaned in and kissed me.

We then turned. I looked and saw my parents and new parents. Kian, Sam, Trevor, Shelby, Connor, Jc, and Tara holding Tyson, who was in a tiny suit. I was the happiest girl in world. This was amazing. I love my bo-husband and life.

The End

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