Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes looked at the 8 am. Ugh. Too early. I shift around, and feel arms around me. I'm about to panic when I realize its Ricky. I turn so I'm facing him. I kiss his forehead and he try's not to smile.

"I know your awake." I said. He opened his eyes and finally showed that priceless smile.

"You catch every thing." he said. "What time is it."

"8." I said. Wait, I spent all night here.

I sprung up and checked my phone. Over 35 missed massages. Jesus, Kian.

"What's wrong." Ricky said sitting up.

"I spent all night here and missed over 35 messages from Kian." I groaned sitting on the bed.

"So you have to leave?" Ricky asked innocently.

"I don't want to." I said falling on my back. "But I have to."

"At least stay for breakfast." he said stroking my knotty hair.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"Please." he persisted.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon." I pulled me off the bed and we walked over to the kitchen. We walked into Connor making a video.

"Ricky try this." Connor said handing Ricky a cup of something.

"This is different." he said after taking a sip. "Tara here." he handed me the drink.

"When did you get here?" Connor asked, obviously not trying to be rude.

"I came threw the window." I said as casual as it could be.

"Oh." Connor said confused.

"What is this?" I asked taking a cautious sip.

"I don't give a fuck milkshake." Connor said proud of himself. I finely took a sip.

"Very chunky." I said handing back the cup to Connor.

"Wow, what happened to your hand?!" Ricky said grabbing my gauzed up hand.

"I burnt myself yesterday trying to make breakfast." I was a little embarrassed.

"Then let me make you some breakfast." Ricky said leering my hand go.

"What about me?" Connor asked with a puppy dog face.

"You get your ratchet milkshake." Ricky said going to the fridge. Connor huffed. "How to do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled." I plainly said.


"Scrambled." Connor said.

"I need to get more eggs." Ricky said taking out the egg container.

"We just went food shopping." I said looking at him.

"I guess we forgot eggs," Ricky shrugged. "Be right back."

Ricky grabbed his car keys and left. It was just Connor and I standing there awkwardly.

"What really happened the other day?" I asked.

"You mean at the beach?" Connor asked, I nodded. "We were all having fun, until someone came up to Kian and talked about you and Ricky. That he told her that he was just using you. And Kian got upset and yelled at Ricky to stay away from you.

But Ricky didn't know why Kian didn't like you guys together. Kian went crazy. He told him about how that girl came up to him and told him what Ricky, supposedly, told her. Ricky yelled back denying everything. This went on for about 10 minutes. Then Ricky ran off.

But he left his phone and Kian saw the messages. He said he didn't like that fact that he was telling you he loved you over text. That's when Kian just left." Connor told me.

"So I might be splitting up O2L?" I asked looking down.

"No, no. Don't say that." Connor said putting his hands on my shoulder. "It's just Kian doesn't want to see you get hurt."

"Story of my life." I mumbled. "I'm gonna go. Thanks, and tell Ricky I'll text him later." I hugged Connor and grabbed the car keys out of Ricky's room.

As I was driving home, guilt washes over me. What if O2L br- 'no don't think that' I said to myself. 'You heard Connor'. But that question was still in the back of my mind as I drove home. To Kian. A angry Kian.

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