First Day

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Hi, my name is Skye High. And you may think that I'm an ordinary teenager at the age of 13. Well, I'm so not an ordinary girl. In fact, I'm no where near normal. This may be a little hard to believe, but I am an undercover spy for an organization called, The Undercover Spies . I know, creepy, right? Well, that's me. Oh, plus my magic cat, Stalker. She can be so unpredictable. Like this one time, she jumped into my backpack, and then popped out during class! I had to go to the principles office, just to prove she was my cat, and to get someone to take her home. Needless to say, I moved within 3 days. And now, I'm in this small town called Van Alstyne. Literally, I didn't even know anything existed out here. So, here's my new mission, to fit in at this new school at the beginning of a new year.

School. Some might call it prison for kids. For me, it's just another random place, with another random mission I got assigned to. Just great! This school is a brick/concrete/metal building. It's not huge, but then it's not really small. As I walked through the halls of Van Alstyne Middle School, I felt some weird emotion. I quickly shut it out, determined not to go rouge. Too many of my friends went rouge from the company, just so they could try to live a normal life. I sat down at an empty table in the cafeteria, which was huge! I was immediately surrounded by over-friendly people.

"Hi new girl!! Welcome to Van Alstyne Middle School!! My name is Jessica, and these are my BFF's. This is Jasmine, Hannah, Kala, Alex, -" I completely tuned her out after that. She just couldn't stop talking. It's like she had found out how not to breathe, and still live. How she figured it out, I will never know. But, then she grabbed my arm, forcing me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay? You look like your coming down with something?" I instantly had no idea of what to say to this girl. " beginning of school jitters, I guess." Crap! Why didn't I think of something better to say?!?!!? Well, I just have to roll with it, now! She gave me a look that seriously gave me the chills. Had I just made an enemy? She shook it off, and gave me a smile and asked me if I needed anything.

"Um..... do you know where the office is? I kinda need to go get my schedule, forgot to grab it on my way in." I gave a nervous laugh, which I had failed to hide. Jessica so noticed it.

Skye, the undercover, teenage spyWhere stories live. Discover now