New life

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Eyes. Blue, like the ocean. More eyes. There's always more eyes on me. All different types of eyes. Blue, brown, hazel, black, good eyes and bad eyes, young and old, every type you can think of. This time though, these eyes were different. Blue eyes, young, good, and full of love.

"Hey boo, you finally woke up. You sleep well?" I smiled, and kissed my boyfriend. Oh, what? You don't know what's happening?? Well, it's been a few months since my accident, and a lot happened. For example: 

1. Stalker's back, and all healed up

2. Zack and I have become an official couple

3. I am avoiding Josh

"Yes, I did. When did you start calling me 'boo'?? 'Cause I like it." We both smiled in unison, then proceeded to hug each other. Good lord, I didn't want this moment to end. I wish this second, this hug, this amount of love and affection that I can feel radiating off of hem, I wish it could last forever. Unfortunately, things never stay the same. At least, for me they don't. I'm not really used to keeping secrets. Now, I know your screaming at me, 'but Skye, you kept Stalker a secret!!! Why would you say that your not used to keeping secrets, when you kept a huge one???'  Well, yes, I kept Stalker a secret, but the academy eventually found out about her. You know what's crazy?? The academy loved having her around. They loved her so much, that they now have spy pets, yeah, I know. But, I've gotten so used to telling the truth about anything to Zack, I keep trying to tell him about that. I'm just so scared at how he'll react to me being a spy...............would he still love me?

Skye, the undercover, teenage spyWhere stories live. Discover now