Alec's Number

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All I heard about was how cool, gusty, and brave for standing up to the queen. Seriously, has no one ever stood up to her? Any way, I of coarse had the set right next to Alec. Like I can't be more lucky? I mean, more cursed? Also, Alec was passing me notes for the first 10 minutes of math class. At least it was a distraction from learning the Pythagrom Therom! One even said this:

Dear Skye,

You know what I love about you? Your not afraid to stand up to a guy, even if it's your brother! I was wandering, would you like to go out sometime? Like to the movies, or to the local diner? Hope you say yes! Here's my number, in case you want to call me for anything!



Can you believe it?!?! Alec accully gave me his number!!! I am so fan girling right now! I think I'm pulling off being a normal teenager a little to well. I'll have to call him tonight when I get home!! Right after I take care of Stalker of coarse!! Also, I'll have to plug in my journal. It's been recording all day, hey, don't judge! I still have to give my reports! But........ I wonder.......... is the number Alec really gave me his number? I guess I'll find out soon!!

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