Unwanted Bad Luck

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I just can't seem to shake this whole bad-luck-voodoo-madness, can I? While I was walking to school, I ran into Jessica at one of the bus stops. I didn't have a way out of this. I couldn't just run past her, not with out one of her 'clones' sacking me in the stomach. I couldn't go across the street, with morning traffic, am I crazy?!?! That's like the pro-obstacle course at the academy! I would be squashed if I went out there!!!! I would just have to face her. That's the last thing I wanted to do. I took a deep-breathe, and walked forward. I didn't expect what happened next. Jessica decided to get some guts, and punch me in the face, giving me a black eye.

"Take that! You little piece of trash! Why were you talking about me, as if I wouldn't hear what was going on! Alec is my boyfriend, not yours, Skye! So stop trying to make a move on him." While Jessica was ranting on, her clones had grabbed my arms, holding me in place. I couldn't use any of my spy tactics on them, Jessica would know I'm hiding something. So, like a good little spy, I let them beat me up. Punch, kick, hair pulling, scratching, Indian-rub-burns, you name it, they did it. Except biting, they didn't bite me. After about 30 minutes of them beating me, the bus started to round the corner. They left me on the ground in a crumpled up ball, and got on the bus. When the bus left, I tried to get up, which I failed at, horribly. Some how I made it home in one piece, but in a lot of pain. I would so be sore tomorrow.......

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