Unlikely Friends

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I seriously don't want to go to school today. I have to face Zach, for 3 periods. I guess I could sit at the back of the class? Oh well, guess I can deal with that when it comes. As I sat on the front steps to my house, waiting for the stupid bus to get here, I saw someone out the corner of my eye. It was Zach. Crap!! He comes to this bus stop too?! I quickly stood up, ready to bolt if he tried to talk to me. As he got closer, I realized something. He didn't have his backpack. He's not going to school is he? No, he's not. Cause he's here to see me.

"Hey, Skye, can I talk to you for a minute?" 

"Well, I only have 30 seconds, so hurry up." Sarcasm. I love it! 

"Look, Skye, please, you have to forgive me! I really didn't know Jessica would do that!!! You have to believe me on that!! I didn't mean for any of this to happen!! I can't change what happened between you and Jessica, but if I have a shot at still being friends with you, I'm gonna take it. You have to know what you mean to me! I've had a crush on you, ever since the first day you got here." As Zach and I continued to argue for the next 5 minutes, neither of us noticed the girl coming up to the bus stop. I didn't really care who she was at first. But that all changed when Zach grabbed my arm.

"Hey, Skye, you got to believe me! I never wanted this to happen, you gotta be on my side! You have to be on my side!" I couldn't get loose from his grasp. I couldn't shake him, I couldn't do anything! That's when the girl helped me out. She tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me." Zach turned and told her to get lost. That didn't go over well with the girl.

"Yo, bud, look here!" As Zach turned again, the girl punched him square in the jaw. Zach's grip on me loosened, allowing me to back away from the punching girl, who I admit, was freaking awesome!

"Didn't your mom ever tell you to be nice to girls? If she didn't, well then......" With that, she kicked him in the stomach. " ....now you know! So get lost!!!" Zach hobbled away, leaving me with the punching girl. I managed to say thanks, and that my name was Skye. 

"No problem, Skye. I'm Asher. Nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand, and I took it. As we shaked, I just knew that this was one girl I could work with. 

**Time skip to 1st period**

As I was working on a paper, I saw the door to the classroom open. When I looked up, I saw it was Mr. Coleman, the principle, and Asher. I guess I have 1st period with her now, sweet!!! Mr. McEwin walked to the door, greeting Mr. Coleman and Asher, and motioned her to take a seat. As Asher looked for somewhere to sit, Mr. Coleman was saying something about Asher being a troubled kid. Oh, did I forget to mention I'm really good at reading lips? Oops, well.....now you know!(A/I, in real life, I'm terrible at reading lips) Asher decided on a seat, right next to me. Yes!! Now I'm not the only kid in the back of the class!! Once Asher was seated, I decided to get to know her.

Skye: "Hey."

Asher: "Hey."

Skye: "How's it going?"

Asher: "Fine, I guess."

Skye: "Thanks."

Asher: "For what?"

Skye: "This morning. Thanks for helping me out."

Asher: "No problem."

Skye: "Ok, enough with the small talk. Where are you from? How'd you end up here? Why would a girl like you come here?"

Asher: "Whoa! Easy there, one question at a time! I'm from Chicago. I got into some trouble back at my old school. It's off the grid, so people can't really find me, don't ask why I want to be off the grid, I just want to."

Skye: "Sorry. Cool, your from Chicago? Wicked. I like your tattoo. I have the same one. See?"

(A/I: Back story, every one at the academy had to get a tattoo, it's like an oath. Skye has one on her wrist, forgot to tell you guys!! Sorry!!!)

As Asher and I looked at each other's tattoo's, I realized something. Asher was no regular girl from Chicago. We both reached for the pocket knifes in our jeans, but then stopped. I had to know something first.

"Killed, or Killer?" It's a spy's way of finding out if they're a fellow spy. It's almost like the whole, 'Friend or Foe' kinda thing. But the consequences are way different. If Asher said Killed, then she was an enemy. If she said Killer, then she and I were on the same side. At least, I hoped she was from the U.S. (U.S. = Undercover Spies, the good guys.)

"Killer. You?" I didn't know if this was a trick question, but I didn't care. So, I told her the truth.

"Killer. What academy are you from?" Asher told me that she was from the U.S., and that she had been put on a mission to come here to see if there was any activity from the U.S.T. (U.S.T. = Undercover Spy Terrorists, the bad guys.) I told her that I was on the same mission. We chatted for a good portion of the class, at least until Mr. McEwin yelled at us.

"Skye, Asher, do I need to move you both to the front of the class so I can see you?" We both said in unison, "No sir, that won't be necessary." Asher and I looked at each other, and started to giggle. Later, I told her something.

"Hey, Asher. I think we're gonna be really good friends." 

Yeah. I think we are, Skye. I think we are." And with that, we got to work, and I smiled. I had just made an ally, and a friend. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here.

Skye, the undercover, teenage spyWhere stories live. Discover now