Early Release, or Broken Heart?

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"Pardon the interruption. Attention all staff and students, tomorrow will be an early release. Hope you all have an amazing winter brake. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Years!"  You know what's more confusing than an elephant wearing a tu-tu? Schools having half days. People in the class started to go nuts. Jumping in and out of the seats, hooting/hollering, you name it, they did it. Mr. McEwin had enough.

"Class! CLASS! Get back in your seats, now!" Every one was back in their seats in a matter of seconds. Besides me, only one other person stayed in his seat, Zach. He stayed in his seat the entire time, plus, he looked so calm. I guess he felt me looking at him, cause he turned toward me, and smiled. 

"Hey, don't look so freaked out. Kids here love it when we get half days, or early releases. You'll get used to it. Oh, by the way, I heard you went to the pizza parlor. Why would you do that? Every one knows that place is haunted! Didn't you know that?" Zach gave me a questionable look, like he was trying to figure out why the new kid would do such a thing.

"Zach, I didn't know then! I had to do it anyway! Didn't you hear? I had challenged Jessica, and that was the challenge! She picked it! Plus, if I didn't do it, I would have made a fool of my self. But, you knew that, didn't you? You knew I couldn't resist a challenge, so you helped her. You helped your girlfriend nearly kill me, did you know that?! I nearly died, just so I could prove that I wasn't a chicken! I nearly died to protect me dignity, and all you can say is 'why'?!" 

Zach just stared at me. I couldn't blame him, I'd never yelled at some one before. I knew he'd try to say something to get me to calm down, but the bell cut him off. As I shoved all my stuff into my bag, and started to walk out the door, when he grabbed my arm.

"Skye, wait! Please, I didn't know she would accully do that! Besides, she made me tell her about that place! I thought she was just bluffing, like she usually did! Skye, please, you have to forgive me! I never ment for you to almost get killed! And Jessica's not my girlfriend, at least any more! Sure, we used to date, but it wasn't serious, at least for me! Please, can you forgive me, even after what I did to you?" I yanked my arm out of his grip, and stared into his eyes. Some how, his eyes didn't make me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach. I didn't know how I could ever trust those eyes again. I left him in there, without an answer. I just had to get out of there. I walked down the hall, passed my next class, and kept on walking. I walked out the door, down the road, through the city, and through my bedroom door. That's when I collapsed into a heap on my bed, and started to cry.

Skye, the undercover, teenage spyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang