Finally meeting The Marionette

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Creepy, that's all I thought of as I looked at the building.'Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Parlor!!'  I can't believe that I'm doing this, I'm going back into the place that I almost died in. My sneakers hit the first step, and I heard shouting behind me. 

"Skye, wait!! You can't go in there!!" Oh great, just great! It's Wonder Boy, here to save the day. Look now, here he comes!

"Zach, I don't want to talk to you... so just leave me ALONE!!!!" I felt my sneakers pound on the steps, and as I reached for the door, I suddenly had a hand on my forearm. He spun me around, held both of my shoulders in his hands, and planted his lips on mine. ( XD Zach is gutsy!!! Hope it pays off!!) It didn't register for about 5 seconds. While Zach was kissing me, I couldn't feel my body at all. Now though, I could feel a little bit of my arm. With that little bit of feeling I had, I pushed Zach away from me. Once he was off of me, I ran into the building. My feet carried me as far as the prize counter, then I fell. I was exhausted, and in complete shock.

After about an hour or so of being on the floor, I thought I heard the music box start playing that 'pop goes the weasel' song. Oh god, I thought as the giant box beside me opened. The marionette. Welp, I'm dead.  

"Uh, are you ok? Skye, if I'm correct. What are you doing here, and why is your cat friend in Arkansas with a broken spine?" he asked, wait, Stalker's in Arkansas?

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