Birthday Bash

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A lot of you reader's don't know this, but yesterday was my birthday!!! I'm now 14!!! So here's a special chapter, just for you guys/girls!!! Hope you enjoy!!


I don't know if I dreamed meeting my dad or not, but all I know was that I wasn't paying attention to Mr. McEwin's lesson. Oh well. "Ms. Skye, see me after class please." Aw crap! Now I'm in for it. After 10 agonizing minutes of class, the bell finally rang.  I tried to sneak out with the crowd, but Mr. McEwin noticed. "Skye, will you come here please?" Dang it. As I turned to face what I thought was my doom, I was surprised by what Mr. McEwin said next."Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't today your birthday? One of your...........friends told me it was. Is that right?" I just stood there wide eyed. I told Alec, but that's about it. Did he tell Mr. McEwin? I mumbled my answer.

"Yes sir. Today's my birthday, but could you please tell me who-"

"So it is your birthday?! Well then, Happy Birthday Skye. I didn't want to embarrass you in the middle of a lesson. Now, go on to class."

Even though I was 2 steps from English, I heard Mr. McEwin say something to his phone. "All right, I've done my part. She's on her way, hurry!" As I opened and shut the heavy, squeaky door to History, I got the biggest shock of my life.

"SURPRISE!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYE!!!" Everyone in class had on a party hat, and had one of those whistle-thingies. There was this banner hanging that said, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYE!!!' All I could do was smile like I was an idiot. That's when this boy walked up to me, and he was hot. Not like cute-hot, but hot. Like supermodel HOT! And then, he started to talk to me.

"Hey, I hear your the birthday girl. Happy Birthday,Skye. I'm Zach by the way." My god, he was an angel, even his voice sounded like heaven. And his eyes, ugh! They were ocean blue. Who could have eyes that blue?! Apparently Zach. I was pulled away from the angel, and into the hands of the small crowd. Everyone was saying things, but I was a million miles away. That's when I felt something in my hand. I looked at my hand, I saw i was holding a piece of paper. As I held it, I realized something. That piece of paper had Zach's number on it. He, a complete stranger, gave me his number

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