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"Welcome my beautiful companion, to our new home!!!!" You know what's romantic?? Having your boyfriend carry you into your new home, bridal style. Yup. Okay, before you people start going nuts saying that that's what people do when they get married, we know. Zack's just being himself, his silly, lovable, romantic self.

"Zack, I'm not your wife just yet!!! You don't have to carry me like this!!"

"I know, but your practically my wife already!!"



" haven't asked me yet. You still have to ask me."

"Oh, really now?? Well then," Zack set me down on my feet, gently, and what happened next, I never saw coming.

"Skye, will you be my mine for all eternity?? Will you marry me?"

CLIFF HANGER!!!!! Are you guys/girls tired of me doing this yet??? Can't wait till next chapter!!!! Please, please, dont kill me!!!!

Skye, the undercover, teenage spyWhere stories live. Discover now