Saving Tyson

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As I watched Stalker fly out the window, I saw that the other cat with her flew after her. Wait, what?!?!?!?! There's TWO flying cats in this world?!?!?! Uuuuuuugh!!!!!! After a few minutes of panicking out of my mind, the other cat came back. It was crying, smashed into a box, and then fell into another box, (A/N Box in a box in a box!!!! Sorry, love ya'll!!!). At first, I couldn't find the box that the cat fell into, but then I heard it. It sounded like something was being choked to death, and it sounded horrible!!! That's when this one box started to move. I bolted to it and kicked the box away. I saw that apparently, there was 2 cat's in the box. One was pure white, beautiful, and one was pure black, again, beautiful. But something was wrong with the black one, it's eyes.............they were, off some how. I ended up spotting a baseball bat near by, grabbed its cold rubber handle, and swung it at the coal black cat. THWACK!!!! The black ball of fur hit the wall with a sickening thump, and slid down into a little pile of scariness. I put the white cat gently into my hands, and carried him down to the kitchen, so that I could help him. (A/N, No, Skye isn't going to eat him, that's just nasty!!) 

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