Mr. McEwin's first period fail

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This is what 1st period is like for normal people? Wow. The academy was way different. Here, you have warm up sheets, at the academy, you had to go through the obstical coarse before you ever get any breakfast. I really have to get use to this new life. "Skye? Skye are you listening to me?" The entire class was staring at me. Dag nab it!!! "Um..... yes sir. Sorry. Just a little distracted by all the stuff here. It's way different from what was at my" I tried to hide a nervous laugh "All right then, what is the answer to number 16?" I quickly looked at my paper. Crap. I gulped. " The answer is.......... um........A, Ponyboy passed out from smoke inhalation?" I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just made a fool of myself, until he answered what I had said. " Very good. Let's not make that mistake again, shall we Ms. Skye?" I seriously need to learn how not to gulp. I answered shakily," Yes si-sir."

" All right class, lets move on. All eyes up here......." I zoned out then. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go back to the academy. To my home. Why am I being such a little girl right now? I never was like this at the academy. I need to be more like Josh, my brother. He's level 17, while I'm level 13. I should be at level 16. I should be right on his heels, like I use to be.

Flash-back to the academy

"Hurry up, Skye!! You can do it!! Just jump with your knees, not your feet!" I laughed, "Yeah, 'cause that makes so much sense, Josh! Jump with my knees, how do I do that?!" He just smiled. Then it hit me, BEND MY KNEES!!!!!! That's what he ment!! "Oh, never mind Josh! Figured it out!" So, I finally jumped over the 10 ft wall. Of coarse, I had to grab the edge to help pull myself up and over. I walked up to Josh, just as he was trying, un-successful I might add, to hide a giggle. He belted out laughing. He couldn't stop until his face was blue with lack of air. "Not using your head as usual, are you Skye?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Let's go get some lunch then, shall we?" He patted me on the back as a symbol of 'great job kid', just as mom and dad use to do. I choked back tears. Don't think about them. They're gone. You can't get them back. Some soft meow's broke into my thoughts. I looked at Josh. He didn't seem to notice. " Josh, did you hear that?" I started to look around. Usually, animals aren't allowed on academy grounds. " Skye, are you hearing things? You know that animals aren't allowed on the grou- Hey, what's that?!" He pointed to one of the 500 bushes that surround the building. I peered into the bush, and saw something. My eyes got wide, and I jumped back, afraid to touch the bush. "Josh, something's in there! I'll go get the guards!" As I turned to dash to find some one to help, Josh grabbed my arm, causing me to jerk back. I looked at him with curious eyes, questioning what he was doing. " Skye, wait, we don't even know what it is! Maybe it's hurt and needs help! Do you really want to leave it suffering?" He stared into my eyes, knowing I couldn't resist it when he played my helping side. General was right, helping was a weakness. And it was one I had to break. But not right now. As I knelt down next to Josh, he started to giggle. "Ok, what's so funny, Mr. I'm so much better than you, I could jump over the wall? Huh? What is it now?" We always make fun of the other, it's just how family acts, I guess. Next thing I know, we're sneaking a kitten into our room. Do you know how hard it is to sneak a kitten into a medium sized room, with thousands of people all around you? I'll make it easy for you, very hard. That dang cat wanted to jump out of Josh's arms and sniff everyone we went past. It was easy after the first few days of sneaking food back to our dorm room. But then the cat wanted out. Out of it's safety, out of our room. At first, Josh thought she was a he, so her first name was Skarr, which I turned down, but it stuck for about a week. Then, Josh realized something. After taking human anatomy, which also had a small part of animal anatomy, he stopped calling her Skarr, and started calling her, cat, she, her, kitten, basically every name you could call a cat, without knowing her name.I came up with her name after that. Stalker, because she wanted to know what was going on, without people knowing she was there. And so it stuck. Stalker, Josh and I's cat. Our little companion.

You know what really sucks? When you daydream til the end of class, and someone is trying to get you to 'wake up', because they thought you fell asleep. "Hey, new girl, come on, class is over! We gotta go!" I looked up at the person who had their hand on my shoulder. OMG. It was a guy. A really cute guy at that!!!

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