Meeting Wolfie

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Do you guys/girls remember when I bumped into that kid with wolf ears and a tail? Well, that same kid now is every where. Seriously, I can't go anywhere now with out seeing those ears and tail any more!!!! I walk to my mailbox, boom, that kids there. I get off the bus for school, bam! He's right there at the door. I can't even understand why he's there. Just like right now. As I look out the bus window, I see him there. I let out a low frustrated moan. 

"What is with you and following me around everywhere?" I asked him when I got off the bus. At first, he didn't reply. Suddenly, I realized that I had been rude. I hadn't even introduced myself to him, and I'm already being mean. 

"*sighs deeply* Look, I'm sorry. We got off on the wrong foot." Again silence. His eyes kept darting to the pocket on my jacket. I looked down at my jacket, and pulled out my hand, to shake his hand, and my keys fell out as a result. 

"Oh, darn it! I'm so sorry, I'm always dropping things, oh, you don't have to help! Here, I'll get that, thanks." As he handed me my keys, I saw something. Well, it caught my eye, mainly because it was in the sunlight, and it's shiny. I asked him if he was missing something, and to my surprise, he answered.

"M-my keys. I lost them when you ran into me." I had a puzzled look on my face. That happened like, what, 3 or 4 weeks ago? This kid hasn't had his keys for almost a month? Whoa, that has to be bad. While I was thinking, something hit me, not literally, but, you know what I mean. My feet reacted faster than I could stop them, and next thing I know, I'm standing over that shiny thing, which turned out to be his keys.

"Here you go, I think these are yours."  As I stuck my hand out to give him the keys, he grabbed them, and shook my hand, vigorously. 

"My name is Wolfie, nice to meet you."  I replied almost as quickly as I could drop kick someone, which, by the way, is very, very fast.

"Nice to meet you too, Wolfie. My name is Skye."

Skye, the undercover, teenage spyWhere stories live. Discover now