Me and Stalker, and a few cops

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By the way, I had a little help on this one!!!badwolf152  and I worked on this chapter together, so I hope you like it!!!

"Hey, you there! Stop in the name of the law!!! Do not resist arrest!!!" As I rounded the street corner, I called out to the cops, hoping that they had payed attention in the academy to the spy course. " Alfa-fighter762901!!!" They didn't stop, actually, they did the exact opposite of what I wanted them to do. The 5 cops sped up. I guess Stalker and I really screwed this one up, didn't we? Oh, you don't know what's happening? Obviously, we're being chased by angry cops who want us behind bars, a store owner who wants Stalker skinned alive, oh, and I can't forget about the guy with the wolf ears and tail-, wait....................what? You want me to go back, to the beginning? You really want me to drag you guys through all the boring stuff, just so you can know what's going on? Really?!?! You people don't want to go straight to the action? Man, you kids these days are really weird. 

( Sup  bruh, you wanna skate board? ;) mhhmmm yas skate board with me bruh. mwahah Skate board)

 (Btw, that was not me, that was badwolf152!!!! Curse you Wolfy!!!!! Why you have to be grammar police?!?!)

*Click. Click. Click. Click.* That was the sound my high heels were making on the downtown sidewalk. Please don't ask why I was wearing high heels. I had a presentation earlier that day, and I hadn't gotten the chance to change. (badwolf152 is going crazy, she's dancing in the chair next to me. Help me, someone, save me from this madness!!!!) As I passed an old store, Tillits, I remembered that I needed bread, (don't you guys dare, this is not anything connected to the I Am Bread crap.), so I started the dangerous walk across the highway.

(A/N sorry, I didn't know how to continue this part, bear with me, Skye's gonna be inside the store now!!!!)

Ding dong, goes the little bell as the door closed behind me.  "Hi, and welcome to Tillits. My name is Mr. Tillit, it there's anything you need, just let me know!" I smiled at the store owner, then proceed to walk through the store, looking for some bread. As I looked down one of the aisle, I noticed some one else, it was a girl. A girl with long black hair, about my height,(A/N, for those of you wondering, 5'7"), and she was looking at some cat food. Of coarse, the bread was right next to her, so that meant I had to walk up to her. Begin the awkward conversations. (A/N this is how it goes: Skye, Girl, Skye, Girl, you get it.)

Skye: "Hey. How are you?"

Girl: " Good. How 'bout you? The sales here are through the roof!"

Skye: " I'm good, yeah, they are through the roof."

As we continued the small talk, she turned to me. And I got to see her eyes. They were violet.

Skye: " Wow, your eyes! They're beautiful! You know, my cat has the exact same eyes.......... I thought people rarely ever had violet eyes, right?" She gave a nervous laugh, that totally gave her away. I knew I had her at that. And I think I just figured out who she was.

"You know, I can still tell it's you, Stalker. You really need to learn how to change your eye color. And........ what are you doing here? I thought you were at home. "

Stalker looked at me. "I'm sorry Skye!! I really am!! I just....I.... I get so lonely when you leave me at home. I have no one to talk with, no one to play with, I have no one at home!! I just wanted to get out for a little bit, I 'm sorry." And with that, I noticed her backpack. My backpack, she was carrying my old bag.

"Stalker, why do you have my backpack? What is it doing out of the attic? I thought I told you to ne-" You know what really pisses me off? When some one interrupts me when I'm talking. (A/N true fact about me!!) That's exactly what the store owner did, except, he started yelling at both me and Stalker.

"Hey you two!!!! What's going on back here?!?!?!?! Give me that bag, trying to steal from me are you??? Not today!!" Mr. Tillit started to lunge at us, but we were both half way down the aisle, then out the door. Unfortunately, there were some cops on break, right outside the store having coffee and some donuts.(A/N HAHA!!! I couldn't resist that!!!) Stalker grabbed one of the donuts, and said thanks. Which is how the cops started chasing us. As we ran down the block, my feet started to kill me. "Stalker, wait up!! My feet are killing me!!!" She glanced back over her shoulder, and yelled to me, "That's because your wearing heels!! Get them off!!" My eyes shot down to my feet, which still had on my heels. Oh, right. Forgot about those!! Oops!! I don't know how I did it, but I managed to kick them off of me and keep running. Within seconds, I ran past Stalker, who turned into a cat, and through her ahead of me. I mean, way, ahead of me. Like, half a block ahead. I also knew that she would scratch me later for that. Wondering where the cops were, I glanced behind me. That was a mistake, wanna know why? Because Right as I looked behind me, I ran smack dab into a boy. With wolf ears and a tail. Definitely not something I see every day. "Sorry! I didn't see you there!!" I quickly got back up, grabbed my house keys that fell out of my pocket, and kept running, except, now he was running after me. Now your all caught up!!!! Did I really have to go through all that, just so you could know what was going on????? You people are so confusing!!! (A/N Let's use the magic of copy and paste!!!! Here we go!!!)

"Hey, you there! Stop in the name of the law!!! Do not resist arrest!!!" As I rounded the street corner, I called out to the cops, hoping that they had payed attention in the academy to the spy course. " Alfa-fighter762901!!!" They didn't stop, actually, they did the exact opposite of what I wanted them to do. The 5 cops sped up. I guess Stalker and I really screwed this one up, didn't we?

CLIFF HANGER!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed!!!! I got really tired, so I ended it here, dont worry!!! There's a part 2 coming soon!!!!!!!!! Fly High!!!!!!

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