Pain, and deals of a life-time

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As I hobbled through the front door, I suddenly felt something wrong. Someone was here, in my house, waiting for me. I didn't have any weapons, so I ran to my room, which was a terrible idea. That intruder was in there, waiting for me, like he knew what I would do.

"Hello Agent 2597865. How is your mission going? Good? Great. I'll just skip the small talk, your probably wondering why I'm here, right? Well, I'm here to give you the  chance of a life-time. To leave the USO, to join the UST. You have 36 hours to decide, or there will be consequences........choose wisely, Skye Monstrie. I know you will make the right choice. " He stood up, and started to walk to my bedroom door so he could leave. I blocked the door, well..........the best I could. I was in a lot of pain. He continued," Oh, and take care of your self, and please, no more loosing fights. Don't ever forget, we're always watching. Some spies are just gold." And with that, I lost it. I mean literally, I lost it, my vision. I was falling, and he caught me. then, black. Every thing was black. He said one last thing to me before I blacked out. " Never hurt your skills like daughter." 

Skye, the undercover, teenage spyWhere stories live. Discover now