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Hey, author here. Sorry about not writing in a while. I've been really stressed with this school project, but that still isn't any reason not to continue writing. I will be trying to update as often as I can, which is hopefully alot, but I have been stressed out, like I just said. My English teacher and my Science teacher have teamed up, and in light of reading The Outsiders, they tasked us with building a car, out of wood. Needless to say, I'm at the last part of the project, which is getting a sponsor. Unfortunately, I have major stage-fright. Luckily, Wattpad has been helping me get over it by sharing my stories with people that want to read them. I still have stage-fright, so this part of the project is really scary for me. I will let you little feathers know how it goes!!!!! Fly High!!

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