Homework of Mayhem, and a Challenge

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"All right class, before you leave, you have to write a fanfic about The Outsiders, have it turned into me by tomorrow! Have a great day!" The last bell rang, and I couldn't move.  A what? What the heck is a fanfic?!? How do I even write one? I've never written much more than a mission log to send back to the academy! As I placed my 'how to blend in with normal people for dummies', I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't jump this time. "Hey, Skye! How did you like your first day at Van Alstyne Middle School?" Alec asked sweetly. I barely even knew what to say to him. His ocean blue eyes  were hypnotizing! I just looked at him until something came out. " I........ I liked it. It kinda sucked this morning with Jessica in the office, but it definitely got way better. After I met you, of-coarse." I let out a giggle, by accident. But Alec didn't seem to notice. We started to walk towards the door, when Alec asked me something I didn't see coming, not in a million years. "So, about the note....." I could tell he was nervous, he'd probably been rejected too many times. I interrupted him, "Yes. That's my answer to your question. Yes, I would love to go out with you some time. Just tell me where and when, and I'll be there." He smiled at me, and said bye, that he'd see me tomorrow. "Bye, Alec. See you later." Sense I didn't have someone to pick me up, and I couldn't ride the bus since I didn't have a note, I started walking the 13 mile hike back home.

*Time Skippy, 2 hours*

I swear, I dented my desk from all the frustration about my English homework. I started saying what Mr. McEwin had told us, like I had gone physio. " 'Write a fanfic about The Outsiders' he says! Well.... didn't he think about how some kids didn't know how to write this kind of stuff?!?! I mean really!!! How the heck am I supposed to write something on a book that was written by a 14 year old?! I know, I'm only 13, but still!!" I popped out of my chair, and flopped on the bed. I grunted loudly into the soft pillow that I had been given by the academy. Stalker jumped up to comfort me, and to get me to pet her. I couldn't help it, that little kitten could make the most evil person in the world turn good, just so someone could pet her soft black fur. "Hey, Stalker. How are you ? Were you a good little kitty-cat?" I waited for her to stop purring, and started to tickle her. She finally answered me, though she was gasping for air. "All right, Skye! Stop it!! I was a good cat! I swear!" I stopped tickling her, and started playing with her wings. "Really?" I questioned," You were a little angel? Is that why $10 dollars is missing from my savings jar?" I looked at her little violet eyes, and just smiled. "It's alright Stalker. But you could've just asked me to get you one." I was still messing with Stalker's wings when the doorbell rang. "Just a minute!" I yelled. When I got to the door, I looked through the peep-hole. (Peep-hole, the thing on the door that you look through to see who is at the door) I let out a gasp, it was Alec. I opened the door and said hello.

"Hey Skye. Can I come in?" I looked at him, something seemed different. I shook the feeling, and stepped aside, letting him come in. I couldn't wait any longer, "How did you find out were I live? Alec, what are you even doing here?" He looked around, like trying to see if there were any hidden mics. Officiously, I didn't, I mean, what good spy would have mics in their own home? Seriously, am I paranoid that someone would want to capture me or something?

"Look, I didn't find your house, Jessica did. She told me to come over and tell you that you needed to  be at the 2nd gym, tomorrow at 3:30. She said that if you didn't show, that you would be laughed at for the rest of the school year."

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