Chapter 27

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I sighed dramatically at the sight of my father calling me. He hasn't called to check up on me in months, so why try now? I declined the phone call while putting on lotion. I was at the house alone because Yn had to go to Marissa's office for something that was urgent. I started to make my way to my closet but I was interrupted by my father calling again. I balled my fists up in frustration before answering the call. "What do you want, father?" I said coldly. "A father can't talk to his own son, sheesh!" He replied. "Seems like it considering that you have forgotten all about your family." The other line got silent, I tapped my foot patiently waiting for him to say something. "How about You & I take a trip back home?" He asked clearing his throat. "I don't think mom would want to see you." "Well, we'll see when we get there. I'm picking you up at 2:30. Text me your address" "No, how about I just meet you at Central Park." "Um okay, goodbye son!" I hanged up while proceeding to the task I was doing before. There was no way in hell that I was going to give him my address! I just wasn't comfortable in doing so.


I looked around the Park, I didn't see any sight of him. Until I finally saw a man sitting on a bench by a tree, with a humongous hat on. I walked up to him as he greeted me with a tight hug, "Daniel, nice to see you!" I just nodded my head in response. As time went on, we began to talk about life, and how it was going for the both of us. He mostly asked about my siblings. "I have questions that I've been dreading to ask every since you left." I said. "Well, you can ask them later because it's time to hit the road!" He replied. I sighed while scrunching up my face and reluctantly getting inside of my car, we both drove off. 


We finally arrived at my mom's house. 'Here goes nothing!' I thought to myself. He cautiously rang the door bell. We could hear little house shoes coming to open the door. She froze as she looked at my father's face. "Joseph?" She spoke. "Justine...please just let me in." She crossed her arms, pondering what the hell was going on! She eventually let him while I was a nervous wreck. She didn't even notice me standing there.

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