Chapter 26

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"Dan, say something." I spoke to him. I leaned over while kissing him on the cheek. He looked over at me with anger arising in his eyes. We were currently waiting for our court session to be called on to begin. I told Dan what happened last night, he wrecked most of our house, taking his anger out on mostly everything. He blamed himself for working to much in the studio but I told him that it wasn't his fault. When he finally cooled down, he just cried while I held him in my arms. That's why I decided to get a restraining order on Colin so that he could stay away from me. It wasn't to long before we were called into our court session. Him & I went inside the humongous room. {A/n: I don't usually know how it goes in court but bear with me please :O} We had to put our hand on the bible and swear to tell the whole truth. Colin was up for questioning, a man in a all navy blue suit went up to the stand to interrogate him. Colin put his right hand up while taking a seat. I started shaking because of how nervous I was, I felt Daniel's hand grip my thigh. "What time were you at Whole Foods Grocery Store, last night?" "Around 7:00 p.m." "Why were you running from the police?" "I don't know." "I'm going to ask you again, why were you running from the cops?" "I had bags of cocaine sir" "Did you hurt anybody that night?" "No Sir" "Did you happen to see Yn that night?" "Yes" "Is it true that you attempted to harm Yn Yln?" "No, I defended myself because Mrs. Yln pulled a gun on me that night." I rolled my eyes at his lying ass. Daniel balled his fist up in a tight grip while furrowing up his eyebrow but I gave him a sly kiss on the lips to ease him of his anger. I knew deep inside that everything would be alright. "Well we have footage from Whole Food's manager that proves your claim false." "We plead Mr. Colin Willington here guilty of assault and drug possession. He shall serve five years in The New Jersey Department of Corrections. He shall also stay 300 feet away from Ms. Yn Yln." I looked over at Daniel while smiling. We left the courthouse, I decided to drive since Dan was so exhausted from all of this. We were at a red light when I saw Daniel's head down, "Babe what's wrong? You should be happy." I asked confused. "But I should have been there for you." he spoke softly. I kiss him, biting his bottom lip for reassurance. "Don't blame this on yourself." I told him.

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