Chapter 29

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I gripped my hair tight between my fingers, hyperventilating. Biting my trembling lip, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. It felt as if I couldn't breathe, my chest rising up & down. Loud sobs coming from my pink lips, this man ruined my life. My own father ruined my life. I would leave but he needs me, or at least he claims that he does. I rather be here because he actually needs me then to not be here and I regret it later. I cautiously stood up before entering the room. I was kind of down because my sister, Talia couldn't be here. She was probably out of town, so busy trying to get away from Colin. I don't understand why she just didn't get a restraining order just like I did, to make everything easier. I twisted the door knob slowly before entering the room. I gasped, standing still in my position. My mother was on top of him, both of their lips dancing with one another. "What is going on here? I thought you wanted to see me?" I spoke loud enough, making sure that I grabbed both of their attention. My mother quickly pulled herself off of my father, looking at me with buck eyes. My father just looked at the floor in embarrassment. I felt as if I was watching a scene from a teenage romance movie. "I did want to see you Yn, your mother did as well." Ian spoke. "Why didn't you tell me that she was going to be here? As a matter of fact what are you doing here?" I spoke in a firm tone. "Oh honey! Your father & I are getting back together! Your father is getting released from rehab today! We brought a house not to far from here." She spoke like a kid excited for ice cream. Ian just smiled, agreeing to everything she said. I felt knots growing in my stomach, not just from the information that she just spilled out to me but the smile on my father's face gave me chills. I sighed deeply, preparing to leave the room. I felt my arm being pulled back forcefully. I turned around and saw my mother with a bright smile on her face. "Don't you want to see our house!" she excitedly spoke in my face. I backed up a little, giving both of us some space. "Um, I don-" Before I could speak, I was being dragged out of the raggedy room.

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