Chapter 26

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I woke up to the lushus smell of mouth watering bacon. I smiled as I felt Jai's arms around me. We fit together so perfectly, we was perfect. I checked my phone to see I had five messages.

Ap, where are you we are all worried? x - Lou

April, what happened between you and Niall last night babe xxx - K

Ap. I'm sorry, I was jealous, please come home x - Ni

Hi April, what you doing today ?x - Aimz

Come back April x - Z

I sighed and only replied to Amy.

Spending the day with Jai and that x- A

I snuggled in closer to Jai, wishing I could just forget everything, stop time and live that moment forever. When me and Jai finally got up we went straight to the kitchen to see Luke cooking bacon sandwiches. "What do you want April?" He asked me and I smiled, I had only known these boys one night but I had already stayed over there house and they welcomed me so much. "What everyone else is having." I smiled sitting down on Beau's lap. He looked at me curiously and then shrugged.

I loved these boys so much, they were like brothers to me. "How are you feeling after yesterday?" Beau asked laughing. "I feel like I'm hung over which is weird right?"

"Not really, I always feel like that after challenges." He said hugging my waist. Luke put a bacon sandwich in front of me and I ate it quickly. "When you going back today?" Jai asked sadly, I shrugged my shoulders and looked him in the eyes, " Can I spend the day with you please?" I asked, praying to god the answer was yes. "Sure, you're welcome anytime." Daniel said. "Having you in our challenges has increased our views by thousands."

"It's because you're so beautiful!" Beau said squeezing me tighter. "Well if you squeeze me any tighter I will be a beautiful dead person." I joked causing Jai and Beau to chuckle and let me go a bit. I stood up and smiled. "More challenges?" I asked being serious, everyone erupted into laughter. "OMG! I love you! Yeah I think we should do more." Dan said through tears of laughter, I think he was more laughing because everyone's faces went pale as soon as I mentioned more challenges. 

"I'd rather keep the bacon sandwich in my stomach thanks." Jai groaned,

"AW, what's wrong are the boys scared?" Me and Dan teased making them change their minds. We set up the camera at the famous alley and decided to do the pepper spray challenge. I was crapping myself but wouldn't let on because I wanted to look better then the boys. "April and Jai can go together, Dan and Luke, Beau and me." James said as he held out the pepper spray and pushed me and Jai into each other. Beau quickly hit Jai in the balls and we all watched him fall to the ground in agony. I couldn't stop laughing. "ONE, TWO AND THREE!" He said as he sprayed pepper spray into Jai's and my face. The pain was unbearable.

It took your breath away and made your eyes burn so much. You couldn't see a thing. Jai grabbed my hand and screamed in pain so I squeezed him as hard as possible. I turned around to the wall behind me and hit to try and focus one something else. The pain was so bad. One of the boys handed me a bottle of water which I squirted onto my face, getting everything wet. I was crying, the pain was unbearable. Through the whole thing Jai held my hand, and when I started to get my eye sight back I looked at Jai to see him staring at me worried. "You okay?" He whispered and then screamed, the pain hadn't eased of him yet. I nodded and hugged him until the pain went away. "OMG! THAT WAS HELL!" I screamed as I got up and hit Beau in the balls.

"ooowwwww!" Beau and James screamed. I just laughed and watched them. I knew how bad the pain was but didn't sympathise with them at all. Apparently me and Jai handled it the best, although saying that we had each other to take away the pain. I couldn't stop laughing at the boys, my eyes still burnt a little bit but it was nothing compared to the original feeling.

"FUCK YOU! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Beau screamed making me laugh even harder. I hoped I didn't look that stupid when I done it. The boys were mental and so was I for going along with it. It was my idea after all. When we were all done we went home and edited the video. "So April..." Jai said, I looked him in the eyes and felt captivated, god his eyes were gorgeous. "Yeah."

"How do you feel about being our new member of the Janoskians?" He asked with a huge smile on his face, I looked at him and blushed bright red. "YOU ARE ASKING ME TO BE IN THE JANOSKIANS?" I screamed probably causing them all to go deaf. They all laughed and nodded. "Yeeeeee boy!" I screamed hitting James in the balls. I was so happy it was unreal. 

After Jai dropped me home I ran into the house forgetting about the argument the previous night to find Niall crying on the sofa and Liam hugging him. They all glared at me as I walked in and interrogated me. "Where have you been?"

"With the boys." I moaned. For god sake, I should've stayed with them. "What boys?" Liam groaned. Niall perked up at the sound of my voice, his eyes red and puffy and just stared at me. I grabbed a laptop and showed them the Janoskians. "Oh, I've seen these before, they are hilarious." Louis said as he was laughing at Jai eating a chilli. I then showed them the videos of me doing the things with them and they all looked at me in shock. "Sorry did you just eat a worm?"

"Yeah..." I giggled nervously.

"What did it taste like?" Louis said breaking the long silence. I told them all about the boys and about  how they wanted me to be part of the Janoskians and I said yes. Niall clicked on the video of the pepper spray and they all looked at me holding hands with Jai and gave me questioning looks. "We are friends okay?" I said trying to reassure them that nothing was going on between me and Jai. To be honest I wasn't sure myself if anything was going on between us two. Jai was amazing but I was sure that I love Niall right?

The boys left me and Niall alone to discuss things. I told him everything about the days I had spent with the boys and how I felt when I was with them. "I understand and I'm sorry, I got jealous yesterday." He smiled kissing me. "It's okay." I smiled kissing him back and everything was back to normal.

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