It's Time.

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I was now 9 months pregnant, my water could break any time soon. My due date was March 27th and it to be any sooner or later because I had about 5 days left until the exact day and all of those days, I was on bed rest by Princeton. He brought me food and water, magazines. Anything a girl could ever need. It was about 10pm I was reading 17 magazine with of course me on the cover. I only have magazines with me, Princeton, Kendall and Kylie or Justin on the cover. Nothing else. "What are you looking at?" Asked Princeton as he came in the room. He closed the door behind him and walked towards the bathroom. I was looking at pictures of myself. I said smiling at one of the pictures. "I was so skinny, I had thigh gaps. What the f**k." I rolled my eyes and I put away the magazine and slapped my hands on the sheets. "I'm so bored." I said. I waited for him to answer but he didn't. "Why aren't you answering me?" I said again. Once again he didn't answer. I stood up and started getting out of bed.

"Wow!" What are you doing?" He asked.

"I was going to see what you were doing in the washroom." I said.

"Well, you are not supposed to be out of bed. Doctors order." He said helping me back in the bed.

"Well, the bed is boring." I said looking at the ceiling.

"That's what you get for getting pregnant." He said to me.

"Haha, what a funny boy you are." I said rolling my eyes. I laid on my side and I looked at the poster of Mindless Behavior on the wall. I smiled. I felt a hand rubbing on my arm, I turned twisted my back so I could face him. I was 2 cm away from kissing him until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I quickly turned back around holding the area in pain.

"Are you okay?" Asked Princeton all worried. I couldn't answer because I felt another sharp pain in the same spot. Princeton helped me up and out of the bed. We slowly started walked towards the car. We got outside and he helped me inside the Ferrari and drove me to Justin's house. I stayed in the car and Princeton ran inside. The pain was unbearable, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything but cry in pain. Justin and Princeton ran outside. Justin opened the door and started helping me out of the car.

"Justin Stop." I said in pain. He didn't her me because my voice was weak. "JUSTIN PLEASE STOP!" I yelled to him.

"Why Kamil? You are clearly in pain, you need to help." Said Justin.

"Leave me in the car, I am in pain. Justin, Just stop!" I said crying.

"What do you want us to do." said Princeton.

"Justin bring me in to the hospital." I said.

"Alright." He said. Princeton ran back in the car and Justin ran inside the house to tell the nanny to keep an eye on Nayeli He then ran back outside. Princeton and him both started there Ferrari's and drove out of the parking lot and to the hospital.

We arrived 30 minutes later because Justin and Princeton ran almost every single stop sign and red lights. Princeton and Justin parked there car. Justin ran out of the car, opened my door and helped me out. Princeton ran inside the hospital and ran back out with a wheelchair. I sat down on it and they wheeled me to the main entrance.

"What's wrong?!" Asked an alerted nurse.

"She's 9 months pregnant, she said she felt a pain in her stomach." Said Princeton.

"Oh my, she might be going into early labor." She said. She pushed Princeton out of the way pushed me to a presidential hospital suite. I changed into a hospital gown and got in the bed. My doctor walked in and checked. I then felt pressure and heard a bunch of water fall into a bucket. The doctor just broke my water, which meant I was finally in labor.

Life Unexpected. *Sequel to Kamil Bieber*Where stories live. Discover now