Mrs. Moore World Tour

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My eyes widened. No how could he be home already. "Chris" I yelled back at him?

"Yep!" he said walking towards us, limping. He hugged me tightly, I looked over my shoulder seeing all the guys frozen. I looked at Princeton giving him the "Get out of My House" look. They all started getting up until Julianna screamed. They all turned around looking at her. Seriously Jules?

Chris turned around seeing all the guys in the kitchen. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked them.

"I'm visiting Julianna with the MB boys." said Princeton.

"Kamil's my best friend." said Chuckee.

"I was bored." said Tyga.

"You guys all decided to come shirtless and in your PJ's?" Asked Chris.

"We had a sleepover." I told him.

"Oh nice. I'm gonna go smoke Tyga, Chuckee come with?" he said. They followed him out the backyard door. I turned to Julianna rolling my eyes at her. She chuckled as her father picked her up.

"So I'm gonna take her for 2 months then you have 1 week off in Brazil, I'll bring her over then." Said Princeton. "When are you leaving for tour?"

"Next week. 1 year tour yay." I said laughing.

"Who's gonna be there with you?" asked Ray Ray

"For sure Kylie is coming on tour with me all the time, then Chris meets up with me 2 weeks out of the months. I'll always have my brother with me and my dad's coming back and forth. Cause of his movie." I told them.

"Chuckee's coming on the road with you tho." said Chuckee

"Are you?" I asked. He nodded his head and I jumped in his arms.

"You're my best friend, why not?" He told me. I smiled at everyone around me. I heard the door open.

"Kamil!" Yelled a manly voice. "What are all these cars doing in the front of the house?"

"Daddy?" I yelled back. "I had a small sleepover." I smiled as he walked in the kitchen. His eyes immediately grilled all the shirtless boys in my house, especially Princeton. Then, not even 2 seconds later, Chris walks in the house with a light blunt in his hands.

"You smoke in the house?" Yelled my father.

"No sir I don't I just forgot something in the house." He stuttered.

"EVERYBODY OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" Yelled my father. All the guy said goodbye to me, grabbing their shirts then running out of the house, Princeton kissed Julianna's forehead and they walked out of my house. He turned to me, ashamed.

"I love you." I smile at him and blinked my eyes multiple times.

"Kamil you are married to some druggy, you have a daughter with someone that's not your husband. You need to fix your life." He told me.

"You can't tell me how to run my own life, I like it the way it is. With all my friends supporting me through everything when you are too busy filming your stupid movies." I said walking inside the kitchen but he followed.

"You are acting out like this just because of your mother aren't you?" He raised his voice.

"And you're not? She's your wife! How could you not be as upset as I am right now?" I yelled at him.

"Was! She was my wife! She Was!" He yelled at me. I looked at him with an upset face.

"Was? What are you saying?" I said.

Life Unexpected. *Sequel to Kamil Bieber*Where stories live. Discover now