Surprise surprise

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Chris and I were just cuddling in front of the TV until we heard a loud pounding on the door. We turned our heads as we watched Dwayne open the door. "Hello." He said.

"Hi, the car is ready for Chris and Kamil Moore." Said the man. Dwayne looked at us confused.

"Where are you Guys going?" he asked us as we got up from the couch and grabbed out luggage.

"Toronto, I have an interview." I said to him. "Bye daddy, see you tomorrow." I said hugging him and gave him a kiss on the check and Got inside my car. The driver drove us to the LAX Airport.

I saw the paparazzi flashes through the car, I covered my face because I didn't feel like getting pictures taken of me right now. Chris and I's bodyguard opened the door of the car and we walked out of the car. Chris grabbed our luggage and I grabbed my bags, I covered my face and flashes kept going off. I turned towards Chris and whispered in his ear. "I'm tired of this." I told him rolling my eyes. We got inside the airport and the paparazzis started following us inside. I heard police sirens go off outside. I turned around and saw a bunch of police officers walk inside. Whistle going off telling the paparazzi's to get out of the airport because normally they aren't allowed at this particular airport. The police got the paparazzi's out but the fans kept taking pictures.

Chris and I sat down at the VIP section. "I actually hate this right now." I told him laying my head on his shoulder. "You'll be fine." He said putting his arm around me. I lifted my feet up on the chair and waited for our flight to be called.

We waited about 30 minutes for our flight to be called. "Bieber flight will now be boarding." They said through the intercom. Chris and I got up and I went over to see the fans that were around the glass walls taking pictures of us. I walked out and everyone smiled. Someone gave me an intercom and I stood up on a chair and everyone started yelling.

"Everyone Shhhhh!" I said in the intercom and the whole place went quiet.

"I love you all!" I yelled and they started going crazy. I walked down and started hugging a bunch of them and giving them high fives. Chris whispered to me saying we had to leave. I waved goodbye to everyone and walked outside with our bags.

Also around the medal fences were a bunch of fans. I gave Chris my bag and I ran in my heels towards them. Their hands sticking out of the fence and gave them all high fives around the fence. I signed some shoes, phone cases, foreheads, arms, Etc. I grabbed some iPhones and took pictures with them. I blew them a kiss and ran back to the airplane, got inside and they shut the door behind me. I sat down beside Chris and he chuckled.

"What?" I asked him.

"You're amazing. That's all." He said. He removed a piece of hair from my face and kissed me.

5 hours later.

We got off the plane and since we were from California we were 3 hours behind from Toronto because of the time changes. So technically back home it's 4pm but here it's 7pm and the show starts at 9pm. It was so dark that .when we got our luggage we had guards with flashlights leading us to our car. Chris and I got inside and they stuffed our bags in the back and the driver drove us to the MTV stage.

I got out of the car and fans went crazy. I once again took pictures with them and signed some autographs. Chris grabbed my hand and we were about to walked inside until we heard some fans yelling and whistling at us.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" They started chanting.

"Grab her ass!" Yelled some random dude. Chris chuckled and held my waist and pulled my closer to him. He place a hand on my ass but I quickly moved it back up to my waist.

Life Unexpected. *Sequel to Kamil Bieber*Where stories live. Discover now