Lies Divorces And More Lies

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It's been officially 3 months since I've had Julianna, Kylie and I had a reality show called "Kylie and Kamil." The show just revolved around our lives and how we had all these red carpet things, concerts, fashion lines and just us being best friends. Apparently the rating of the show is already through the Roof so we signed for 4 seasons giving us over 10 million dollars every episode. Justin and Selena broke up and Selena filed for Custody of the Kids. She won, she got the kids from Monday-Thursday and Justin had them from Friday-Sunday. Unfair right? I know. Now Justin had to pay Child support of over 1 million dollars every 3 months. The twins were now 6 and in school Princeton was doing some shows every 2 days around LA. So Kylie and I decided to buy a house and move in together.

"Kylie!" I yelled from the living room. She ran downstairs and sat down in front of me.

"What's up?" She asked on her phone.

"I really don't want to be with Chris anymore." I said.

"You got his named tattooed on your body!" She said.

"I'll get them removed or something I don't care. I'm gonna file for a divorce." I said.

"You are going to divorce him?" She said shocked.

"I'll send the letter now." I said.

"Kamil think about it first." She said.

"I've had this letter for over 4 months. I have to send it sooner or later." I said. I went to the mail box and sent the letter. I walked back inside and sat down.

"As if you actually did that!" She said.

"Well we have the rest of our lives to stick our heads up Jaden and Princeton's asses so whatever" I said.

"And Chris's" she said. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her face. I heard a cry.

"That's for me!" I said running upstairs. I saw Julianna Crying because she woke up from her nap. She had a full head of a brown hair. Her eyes were wide opened and she just looked at me "hi baby!" I said kissing her forehead. I walked downstairs to the kitchen with her and fed her.

"She is killing me. I can't sleep, I can't eat, and I can't do anything without having her cry in my face." I said rolling my eyes.

"The pleasure of motherhood." Said Kylie from the living room. I chuckled and finished feeding Julianna. Kylie walked inside the kitchen and sat down on a stroll.

"Are we going out? I'm bored." She said still on her phone.

"It's 11 am dude. What are we gonna do?" I asked her.

"I don't know, Go shopping or something get out of this house. You've been trapped here for so long." She said.

"I've been in this house for like 2 weeks taking care of her, what do you expect me to do?" I asked Kylie.

"Come to the After Earth premiere with me?" She said silently.

"Kylie, I'm not going to that." I said rolling my eyes

"Please! You've been trapped in this hell hole long enough come out and enjoy the fresh air, I bet you are going crazy for not leaving the house in so long."

"Kylie, I don't want to go looking like crap. I am fat, I still haven't lost the 15 pounds I gained from the pregnancy." I told her.

"Exactly, you weight like 115 pounds deal with it." she said.

"I have to loose like 20 then." I said.

"You still have your thigh gaps, you'll live, and you are still skinny and can rock a bikini better than I ever can." She said.

Life Unexpected. *Sequel to Kamil Bieber*Where stories live. Discover now