12. Cole

268 19 0

May 27th, 2008
8:23 a.m.

Dear diary,

For the next two weeks, I won't get to see Candice. She is going on vacation to California with her family. Also, I believe that Amber will be going with them so I won't get to hang out with her either. So that bums me out a little.

I go outside to the swing that is attached to the tree in my backyard. I sit down and start swinging. While I swing, I start to think about recent things that's happened in my life.

Not long ago, I was this guy who was severely depressed, who cut himself, and who was pissed off at the world for treating me the way that they did. I came home and stayed home all day; I never really had any true friends.

And also, I never had someone I love and they love me back. Love is a crazy thing. It makes you feel such great emotions, but can also bring the most painful memories ever with heartbreak.

I head back inside to find something to eat. I scavenge through the fridge and shelves to find something to make. I decided on making scrambled eggs and toast. As the food was cooking, my phone vibrated over and over again.

'Hello?' I answer the phone.

'Baby!' Candice said, overly enjoyed.

'Oh my God, how are you doing? How is vacation going?'

She sighs. 'Eh, it's okay. I wish you were here with me. It would be more fun then.'

I chuckle. 'I know. I wish I was with you too, but we have a lot more time when you get back.'

'Yeah,' she said, 'well I should get going before someone comes to find me.'

'Alright, babe.' I said.

'I love you.' Candice said.

'I love you too.' We hung up and I finished cooking my food. I head over to the table and sit down to eat. I sip on my drink and eat my food.

After I'm done eating, I head to my car to ride over to the library. I check out some books to read while she is gone. I head back home and start reading.

'Miss you.' Candice texted.

'I miss you too.'

'Can't wait to see you!'

I smiled at my phone like an idiot for a minute. 'It will be amazing.' I replied.

For the rest of the time Candice and I stay together, hopefully that will be forever, but for as long as we last, I want to make the best of it. This is the first girl I've fallen for and it is the most amazing feeling I have ever felt or had in my entire life. She is the best thing that has happened to me. She made life worth living and helped me fix myself before it got any worse.

Love always,

The broken image of a boy named Cole.

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