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Dear diary,

Sitting in the waiting room all night was hell, but totally worth it at the end.

When my niece, Nevaeh, was born, it seemed weird at first because I had to stop and remember that my twin sister was pregnant and just had her baby.

Nevaeh was a beautiful lady, though. She had those eyes that made you smiled and she smiled so wide. She was adorable. And I'm proud that I got to watch her come in to this world.

A beautiful baby coming into this hateful world is saddening, but you have to remind them and teach them that no matter what happens, life gets better. That life throws things at you, but you have to dodge them and know you are better.

Don't let anyone ever bring you down. You are too beautiful to be sad. Everyone should see that stunning smile of yours and say 'Damn, what a beautiful person they are.'

I can't say that life will always be good, but you do have your good times. And you have to soak in every moment of it and remember those days when you are sad.

I sat in the chair, holding Nevaeh closely to me. She was sleeping so sweetly in my arms. I kissed her forehead and smiled. "Don't ever grow up." I said to her.

I just sat there, feeling her breathe and knowing that this beautiful baby is new to this world and she has so much to see and so much to do that I, myself am scared for her.

A little later on, I woke up when Jonathon shook me awake.

"You can go home, you know?" he said to me, smiling.

"I know, but I wanted to be here for my sister."

He smiled and I handed over Nevaeh. After that, I walked over to the room Jessica was staying in and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, sis."

She smiled at me. "Come here."

I walked over to her and she leaned up for a hug. I embraced her with a hug and we stayed like that for a couple minutes.

"Goodbye." I said to her.

"See ya." she replied back.

I went and got Candice from the waiting room and we walked outside, going to my car.

"So, you have a twin sister?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I do. It was weird finding out, but also cool."

She smiled. "I'm glad."

I drove home and Candice decided to stay the night.

I fell asleep to the beating of her heart.

Love always,

The broken image of a boy named Cole.

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