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Dear diary,

Meeting Jessica was amazing. We are a like in many ways.

We agreed to see one another more.

I'm kind of also glad that she is pregnant. It will be so much fun having someone else in our family.

Other than that, my life honestly sucks.

I am having these urges to cut myself and purge.

When I'm around something sharp, I wonder amazing it would feel to cut myself again.

The only thing is, whenever I get the nerve to do it, I back out of it.

When I eat, I have an urge to go throw it all back up.

It all sucks.

Have you ever had this thought that you are supposed to end up alone. Like you were made for being by yourself for the rest of your life?

I do all the time.

It does get better for awhile, but then it spins and whirls until you are right back from where you started.

The only person who made me feel whole was Candice.

She has been texting and calling me, but I don't answer. I honestly want her to learn her lesson that I'm not some toy she can play with.

I do want her back though. I want to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. I want to kiss her lips and make her feel special.

There is so much for me to think about, so I might just go take a walk and think.

Love always,

The broken image of a boy named Cole.

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