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Dear diary,

Today was a good day, even though I didn't get to see Candice. I went to school-which it was close to the end of the year-and I had tried to make the best of it all.

Knowing I will be a senior next year is scary as hell, but I also know that I'm getting older and the older I get, the more I learn. I know that life is a book full of lessons that we have to acknowledge and remember because when you see or know someone going through the things you went through, you can help pull them out of that problem, slowly. It will take a little for them to get better, but at least you can say that you helped someone.

As the end of the year came, school got more boring. All we did was watch kiddie movies, play games, clean our lockers, and more. But I couldn't complain, I would rather have all this than to be doing work in class or hearing our teachers produce a lecture that is so long, it could be a movie.

When lunch time came around, I sat at the table and ate my food. I heard a couple of girls giggling to one another while looking at me. What was all this about? Soon, all four of them came over to me, smirking a smile so evil, you would think they were planning world abomination.

"You and your girlfriend are KA-UTE!"

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Where did you meet?" One girl asked.

"Did you guys kiss yet?" The small, blonde one said.

They all threw questions at me and I tried my best to answer all of them thoroughly so they got satisfied with knowing something about me. I could say that this year has started to get better.

Later that day, I rushed home to get a quick shower, eat something quick, and then meet Candice at the library.

"Hey!" She said, running up to me to hug me.

"How are you doing, baby girl?"

She blushed. "Good, and you?"


She smiled. I took ahold of her soft, warm hand.

We walked in the library and started looking around for some books to read. We had this thing we did that we either choose a book for the other one to read and tell them how it was or we choose a book-possibly the same one-and read it at the same time. We thought it was cute and different from others.

When we picked out books, we swapped them. I took hers and she took mine. We both checked our stuff out and then we went back to my car. I started the engine and pulled out the parking lot.

We decided to go to the ice cream parlor and get some ice cream.

"I'll pay." I said.

"No, no. I will pay for my own, mister." She smirked at me.

"Nope. Keep the money."

We both chose the flavor we wanted and then I pulled my money out to pay.

"No!" She squealed. "I'm paying for mine."

"Keep it, I said."

She sighed and then giggled. We walked over to the table near the window and we started eating our ice cream.

"How was school?" Candice asked.

"Good! Some girls talked to me today."

She squinted her eyes. "Do I have to whoop some ass?" She questioned.

I laughed. "No. They said we were cute and asked questions about us."

"I'm glad everyone knows about us." She joked.

"We are like the king and queen."

We both laughed.

We finished our ice cream and by then it was starting to get dark.

"I must take you home now." I said to her.

She pouted her lips and sniffled. "I don't wanna go!"

"Well, you have to, babe."

I opened her door and then shut it. I walked over to the driver side and got in.

I drove her home. The whole time it was silent.

When I pulled into her driveway, I stopped the car and looked at her.

She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too, Candice."

I leaned down and kissed her on her warm, tender lips. The electrical feeling I got when I kissed her was so powerful and strong, but I loved it.

She hugged me, tightly. She then got out of the car and ran up the pathway to her front door. She looked at me and waved goodbye.

"Sweet dreams." I said out the window.

She blew me a kiss.

When I parked my car in the garage, I stepped out the car and walked inside. No one was home yet. My parents were at work, like usual.

I ran up the stairs, put my phone on the charger and stripped off all my

clothes, until I was left in my briefs.

I hopped in bed and pulled the covers over me. I rested my head on my pillows and just dreamt of everything that was happening. Candice had saved my life, you can say. And she still is. She taught me that I'm stronger than any stupid barrier holding me down. She taught me that there is someone out there that will help you. They will find you just in time to fix you of your pain. Even if it seemed like forever, it really wasn't. Everyone has someone and that someone is an angel sent from above. Someone that has a magical kind of power that helps you fix yourself for the better or even get to realize that things are brighter on the other side.

I love Candice for that. She is my hero. She is my savior. She is my angel.

Love always,

The Broken Image of a boy named Cole

Authors note:

| Hey, everyone! I am so sorry that the chapters are beginning to get shorter. I'm in the making of ending this book and I'm also starting a new one, so I have to figure everything out.

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