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Dear diary,

After seeing my twin sister get married, it made me realize a lot of things. It made me realize that true love does exist, everything gets better, and the sun does shine after every rain storm.

I can't deny that I cried at her wedding. Even if I only got to know my sister for almost two months now, I love her for every bit and piece of her. She is an amazing girl and I am glad I get to call her my sister. She means the world to me and I love her.

After the wedding, Jessica and Jonathon rode off in a carriage with Nevaeh. I went home with my Father and we sat in the living. We didn't speak to one another that whole time because we both know that my sister and his little girl is all grown up now. She has a baby and a husband. Her life is changed forever and that's how life works. People grow up too fast sometimes and they have to take on responsibility and take care of a precious baby. Then they rush into marriage and make a family together.

Life is a mysterious thing. We all want to grow up and be older, but when we finally do get older, we want to go back to being little again. Time flies by and we all eventually die. Life is just that mean sometimes. We can't change anything. We can't change who our first kiss was, who we first had sex with, or even who we marry first. We all just hope and pray at the time that we end up being together forever. Hoping that this one relationship will forever go on through life and who we experienced our firsts with, will be there till the end.

On another note, I hope my relationship lasts for life. Until both her and I die. I don't want anyone else besides her because she means the world to me and she makes me so damn happy. I know that things have happened and all, but all relationships have bad times. The only relationships that count are the ones that two people fight and hold on. The ones who can still love that one person for years on end. Love is a bittersweet feeling.

Lastly, this is my last journal entry for awhile. This is my goodbye. Not for forever, but only for awhile. You will all hear from me again. I promise you that.

Life for me right now is going amazingly and I hope it stays that way for awhile.

I will see you all again soon.

Love always,

The broken image of a boy named Cole.

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