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Dear diary,

Today is finally the day. The day that Jonathan and I get married and get to live happily ever after.

I'm a bit scared and nervous. I'm trying not to let the nerves get the best of me and I'm telling myself that all girls get nervous the day of their wedding.

Here we go. This is the time. I get in the car and make my way to the church. My life is about to change forever.

When everything is settled and ready, the melody begins and the doors open. My dad has ahold of my hand and he walks me down the aisle. This is every girls dream and it is finally coming true.

When we make it up the aisle, he kisses my cheek and sits down. I walk to wear Jonathan is and when I look in his eyes, all the nerves melt away and we smile at each other.

The wedding begins and we each say our vows. Jonathan slips the ring on my finger and I do the same. The pastor then says, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Every little insecurity of mind has melted away and I finally feel like a new person. A better person, at that.

The kiss felt magical. As if it was the first time we kissed each other.

Every little memory of ours flows through my mind as we kiss and this is a sign that we are meant to be. He is the 'One.'

I have said this plenty of times before and I will keep saying it; Jonathan has forever changed me. I am blessed to have him and Nevaeh both in my life. He has given me a reason to live. He gave me reasons to finally love myself. I have taken every little step to make myself better. I fixed every little thing I possibly could and I began to love myself.
It is true; It gets better.

I will forever love Jonathan. Forever and Always. Even if we don't work out in the end-knock on wood-I will love him for being himself. For giving me Nevaeh and forever reminding me that I am worth everything life has to give me.

Love always,

Jessica Samuels, the girl who is forever changed.

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