Arrival in Seoul

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[Narrator POV]

I had finally arrived in Seoul after many months of planning and now I get to stay for 1 year. I looked around Incheon International Airport in awe, feeling a bubble of happiness rise in my stomach. I wanted to jump, scream and cheer but this was a public place and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in such a way. Rolling the trolley piled with my luggage, I walked out of the international terminal and braced myself as I walked out of the airport, breathing in the air of Seoul. I hailed a taxi, giving directions to my hotel though I still struggled a bit with my pronunciation. I was excited the whole trip to my hotel with me being the touristy foreigner staring out the taxi windows, oohing and aahing at the beautiful sights of the city passing by.

Arriving at the hotel, I checked in and had my luggage brought up by a porter. I was only staying for the week, maybe less, if I could quickly contact the apartment manager that I had talked to before coming to Seoul. She was a nice woman, her voice calm and reassuring over the phone when I was still in Australia, and promised me an apartment as soon as I arrived in Seoul. I had specifically sought out this particular place because it was close to the heart of Seoul and the university I was going to attend. That’s right, I’m a university student and transferred here to learn more about the music.

Fatigue and jet lag soon hit me, making me drowsy and tired. I picked out some silk pyjamas, showered and changed, getting ready for bed. I lay down on the wide queen sized bed, revelling in the downy, soft covers and drifted to sleep. I had a big day tomorrow!

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