From Mr.Nice to Mr.Ice

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[Narrator POV]

“Urgh, I don’t get it. Where is he? I really need to talk to him!” I growled, pulling at my hair. I sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting room at the third photo shoot since this morning. Apparently, I was to work with another person, a male model for this ‘couple’ photo shoot for a magazine. It seems there are a lot more companies requesting for me to model instead of performing. I scratch my head as I swivelled the chair around to face the door just as the make up artist and stylist came in.

“Hello! Please take care of me; I am Song Sun-hi!” I greeted, bowing to them. They said hello then came over and began setting up their equipment on the table and on the clothing racks. It wasn’t my first time modelling, like I said, it’s already my third shoot of the day, but I was still fascinated with how quickly and efficiently they worked to get me ready.

Within minutes, I was ready and my manager announced me to the crew, “Song Sun-hi is ready!”

I stepped out of the waiting room and walked to the front where a white backdrop was set up. I turned and faced the crew and bowed deeply, repeating the same greeting as earlier. I had soon learnt after my first shoot that everything worked better if I treated the crew and stylists with respect, as if I was not the model but a new worker.

The cameras were still being set up and I wandered around, wondering who the male model was. I also worried about Jungshin, and speak of the devil, another voice called out, “Lee Jungshin is ready!”

My head snapped upwards to see his tall figure stepping from the shadows; the lights had been set up and the room had been darkened so that the backdrop space was the focus; Jungshin stepped forward, as stylish as the first day I met him face-to-face and now, I knew my mouth was slightly open in shock that I would be modelling with him.

Jungshin stepped into the pool of light around the backdrop and turned to face the crew saying, “Hello, I am Lee Jungshin. Please take care of me.” He did not even once, take a glance at me. When he finally straightened, he turned to face me and acted in a stoic manner, as if he didn’t know who I was. “Hello.” Only a single word and I felt just a little happier but even then, Jungshin was not talking like he usually did with me before turning to face the cameras.

He held his hand out for me to shake which I took hesitantly, because his expression seemed to say with a menacing glare that he did not want me to shake his hand. I straightened my shoulders and gripped his hand firmly, “Hello.” To others on the outside, our act made us look like we were complete strangers in spite of being in the same company.

“You’re still avoiding me, right?” I blurted out, as I let go of his hand.

He didn’t answer and looked away. Annoyed, I grabbed that back of his coat, tugging on it to get his attention. “What?!” He snapped at me. I flinched.

“Why won’t you talk to me?” I asked outright. I just had to know.

“…Do I need to?”

The sentence left me unable to answer. No, of course he doesn’t need to talk to me. It is his own free will and I can’t – shouldn’t – force him, I thought, looking up at Jungshin’s face. But I needed to talk to him and explain the misunderstanding

“Fine, but I’m still going to talk to you. I don’t care if you ignore me, you just need to listen is all,” I said bravely despite my mixed feelings of anger and despair of our current situation.

Jungshin kept his mouth shut and formed into a line of displeasure. I stared at him for a second more before turning to face the cameramen again. They had finished adjusting their equipment and were ready to begin. The director of the photo shoot came in and began to order all the staff around.

We stood there, watching everyone bustle about until the director was satisfied to begin the shoot. He turned to us and said hello then told us to start posing as a ‘couple’. I looked at Jungshin and saw that he was also looking at me, but his expression had formed into a smirk. Maybe he has two personalities or something and this one has come out to bite me, I thought darkly and smiled sweetly at him.

Jungshin took my hand and we began to pose. At first it was awkward, as he was leading the whole time, but when I finally got the hang of it and took the lead, the director was much more pleased with the result compared to Jungshin’s stiff posing.

I worked hard at trying to keep the photo shoot going smoothly and suited to the director’s taste – sweet, lovely and pure love – by linking hands with Jungshin and pulling him along to my whims with what I thought would look like a couple. I wrapped my hands around his neck and made him hold my waist (even if he looked a little pissed at first); holding hands shyly; leaning back-to-back; doing the v-pose with our hands; the cheesier, the better.

When we were finally finished with a clap from the director, I walked back to the dressing room and sat down. I leaned and elbow on the chair armrest and cupped my chin wondering what to do about Jungshin. He was probably still in his own dressing room, so with a resounding scrape of the chair, I stood up and walked to his room.

My heels clicked along the floor and echoed around me in the empty hallway as I walked to Jungshin’s room. It felt strangely empty except for a few staff members here and there, but I knew that most of them were still at the studio, checking the photos and the cameras.

I arrived with a definite click of my heels in front of his dressing room door, a laminated sign clearly stating Jungshin’s name. I can do this! I’ll confront him and tell him prope- I thought but I was interrupted when the door suddenly opened. I took a step back in shock and saw that it was Jungshin who had opened the door.

“Uh, hi?” I said awkwardly.

“What do you want?” He asked blatantly, his tone as cold as ever.

“Look, I just want to talk to yo-”

“Didn’t I say to forget it? It doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing does. I have nothing to do with-” Jungshin’s words were cut off when I hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms around his waist and squeezing just a bit. His hands lifted as if to hug me back but he dropped them, leaving them limp at his sides.

“No,” I said, mumbling into the sweater he was wearing, “You might not care, but I do. I miss being able to talk to you easily and spending time with you. It’s just not the same without you around.”

I felt his hand gently caressing my hair and hugged him even tighter if that was possible. It just felt right being in his embrace even if I was the one who had initiated it. I kept holding him until he softly placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away.

“Okay, I get it. It’s just…” He said and turned his face away, a hand covering his face, “Have you decided on your feelings? Have you finally chosen one of us?”

Chosen one of us? The thought whirled around in my head as I looked up and stared into his eyes. He was serious and my heart gave a flutter at that thought. I guess my heart has decided for me before my brain even knew it. I nodded slowly.

Jungshin sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a wry smile, “So… who is it then? Who has taken your fancy or your heart if you prefer it that way?”

“I… I think I’ll tell you all at the same time. It might be better that way,” I said and heaved a deep breath.

“Fine, I’ll tell them. Where do you want this to take place?” He was back to his stoic face.

“Maybe at your practice room?”

“Alright, see you then,” he muttered and turned around, heading back inside his dressing room and closing the door behind him.

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