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[Narrator POV]

For the next two days, work at FNC was amazing. I grew to know CNBLUE better both at work and at home when we would occasionally meet each other for work or for dinner. Time flew by as I was having fun and working hard, and soon it was the weekend once again. I decided to check my laptop for the first time since I had arrived – since it took sometime for the internet to be installed. I went through my emails first and found a few from my best friend, Minyoung. I clicked on the first one.


How are you? You better be doing well and not slacking off or anything. Seriously. But I miss you *^* You go and leave for such a wonderful country, leaving me behind to fend for myself. Unbelievable! Haha. Just joking, I just really miss going to Uni with you and … everything.

Come back soon okay?~~~ OR ELSE! :P

Reply soon, waiting to hear from you about you latest adventures.

Love, Minnie<3

I laughed to myself as I read her email. So short, yet I could hear every word she said in my head. I clicked reply and sent her a quick email about my recent events (though I left out the kiss ///v///) and how life here in Seoul was great.

Reading the rest of the emails and looking through my other social networking sites, I found nothing new and shut down the laptop. I span around in the swivel chair, kicking out my legs and whirled to the wardrobe. I’d received a written letter in my mailbox from an anonymous person named only as ‘Secret Admirer’, instructing me to wear something nice and to go to the address written there on Sunday. Which is tomorrow. I sighed and stood from my chair and pushed it back to my desk, walked over to the wardrobe and pulled open the doors. What did they classify as ‘nice’? I had already checked the place on the internet and it looked like one very fancy restaurant.

Nice, nice, nice, I thought to myself as I hummed and went through my clothes. I found a light blue strapless dress, knee-length with a bow at the back and white lace edges. I held it against me as I examined myself in the mirror behind the door. “Hmm, maybe I’ll leave my hair down? Straighten or curled?” I muttered as I put the dress on its hanger and hung it on the door. I sat in front of my dresser and sifted through my small collection of makeup. I really should buy more, I thought, picking up a pale pink lip gloss and matching eyeshadow. Setting them aside, I picked up my favourite white purse and placed it next to my makeup.

“I’m putting too much effort into this,” I frowned at myself and walked into the kitchen. “What‘s there to eat?” I muttered to myself as I rummaged through the kitchen cupboards. I found a packet of choc chip cookies and decided to eat that, so I sat in front of the TV and flicked through the channels. Soon, I started to feel sleepy as I watched a drama, falling into the comforting depths of sleep.

[Jungshin POV]

A whole new workplace. That’s what it was. I sat there at the dining table, my chin in my hands, as I thought. As soon as Sun-hi ah started working here, I felt a little happy and if not excited to go to the studio everyday just because she was there. “Maybe I’m getting too attached,” I mumbled, blowing at the strands of hair hanging over my eyes. Yonghwa walked past carrying the laundry basket full of clothes and looked at me when he heard me sigh.

“What’s wrong?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Mmm, nothing.”

“Well, I can clearly see that it’s not nothing,” he insisted. He went to the laundry room and came back, pulling out a chair and sitting across from me.

“Ani…” I shook my head, not really wanting to express my thoughts.

“Our usually annoying maknae is now quiet. That is highly unusual, so talk.” He poked my forehead, and leaned back in his chair waiting for my ‘confession’.

I heaved a loud sigh, and spoke. I told him how I felt, wondering what it was, and told him how much I wanted to see Sun-hi everyday. Yonghwa listened intently, nodding now and then, not interrupting my speech.

When I finished, he only sat in silence, probably thinking over what I said. “Okay. I think I can guess that right now, you have probably fallen in love? Maybe like? I dunno,” he shrugged. “I’m not that great in this area, but maybe you should try to be closer to her and you’re also of a similar age too.”

“Hyung… What if she… Never mind.” I shook my head and stood up. He watched me walk to my room, as I closed the door behind me. Glancing at the clock above my bed, I saw that it was getting late. Might as well go to sleep now, I’ll think over things tomorrow, I thought to myself going through my routine of getting ready for bed.

Model for Me~ [CNBLUE Kpop Fanfiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя