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[Narrator POV]

---8 months later---

Months went by as I trained vigorously every day. I worked hard and rarely saw the others except during times when my manager would call for them to play music for me to practice to live. I soon forgot about Minhyuk’s and Jungshin’s confessions as I didn’t have a chance to socialise with anyone, getting up early in the morning until I came home late every night with aching muscles and a trembling voice. Even on the weekends.

The company would continuously make me practice my singing and having the teachers critique on the strength of my voice, the clear pronunciations and being able to project it well without hurting myself. There was also a piano teacher who would scold me if I was too slow or hit the wrong note. The dancing teacher was a bit too happy-go-lucky, bouncing around and adjusting my arm here or my leg there or poking and prodding until I got it right. I had to even learn Korean so I could speak better and be able to communicate and sing.

“I don’t want to do this anymore!” I shouted once, only to be hit over the head with a binder by my manager.

“Be grateful for this! You’ll become known all around the world after all of this training,” she had huffed, going back to typing something on her laptop.

The language teacher just laughed before handing me another sheet to complete. All this Korean is hard.

I obediently went through each strenuous exercise they threw at me day after day, and after 8 months of this crazy, senseless training, I WAS DONE! I walked into my usual practice room, turning on the lights to find that the room was decorated with streamers, balloons and a whole crowd of people. I could see the members of CNBLUE, FTIsland, AOA, Juniel and the managers who were free, all wearing party hats. I stared at them in shock as they started to blow party horns and party poppers as well as throwing confetti in my face.

“CONGRATULATIONS!” They shouted.


“For completing your training!” My manager laughed and put a party hat on my head.

“Yah! What is this for? I don’t need this,” Everyone laughed at me and Jonghyun throws more confetti into my open mouth. I spat them out into a paper napkin and pulled a party popper behind him when he wasn’t looking causing a balloon-confetti-streamer-throwing war to begin.

The food was shared around and everyone came to congratulate me as if it was my birthday. No not even like my birthday, more like I was getting married or something.

The days following the party were even busier than my training days. I had to begin my debut! There was already a song composed for me by Yonghwa, all I had to do was practice and start to film my first music video. When it was released on FNC’s YouTube, interest in me was rippling around the kpop universe. It was the beginning of my idol life after all my sweat and hardwork.

---Next day---

I was to make my official debut stage today on KBS Music Bank where I would hopefully be greeted with a lot of cheering from both female and male fans.

“Wah, ottoke?” I whispered as I adjusted my dress for the hundredth time from offstage. Luckily, my microphone hadn’t been turned on yet.

“Don’t worry so much. You have us too you know!” came a voice from beside my ear, blowing cold air onto my shoulder.

[Minhyuk POV]

I covered her mouth quickly before she could scream. I could feel the rush of air through my fingers as she turned to look at me with wide eyes before slowly pulling my hand away. I watched as she turned around to stare at the crowd cheering and shouting fanchants. I could hear the distinct “CNBLUE! CNBLUE!” chant as well as “Song Sun-hi! Song Sun-hi!” in the background. I raised an eyebrow at her popularity already despite only having released a video.

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