The manager appears

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[Narrator POV]

I wonder where the manager is; didn’t he say he was waiting for them or something? I thought. Then I felt a presence in front of me and looked up to see Jungshin’s face close to mine. His eyes widened even more than before as he seemed to realise something. “You… you’re that girl from this morning right?” he asked suddenly.

“Eh? Um… yes.” His face was too close! I moved my face away slightly and Minhyuk noticed this. He pulled Jungshin away giving him a look and they both walked away to talk about something.'

I looked around their apartment seeing how spacious it was. It appears that they had the whole floor to themselves, this was my first time seeing the living space of famous idols and it looked pretty clean to me, with them being boys and all.

[Minhyuk POV]

“Jungshin, what were you trying to do?” I said as soon as were far enough so that the girl didn’t hear. He just shrugged his shoulders.

“She looked like the girl from this morning so I asked her, and she answered yes.”

“Do you know her name?”

“No, I didn’t get to ask her before you pulled me away!” He frowned at me. I didn’t really know what to say so we both walked back to the girl. By this time both Yonghwa and Jonghyun had stopped their hysterical laughter and had come in, standing next to the girl. Yonghwa had an interested look while Jungshin seemed to be staring at her … hair? Both of us came over to join them and I nodded at Jungshin, prompting him to speak.

“Ah, what’s you name? I didn’t get to ask before… you know this morning?” He fidgeted as he looked into her face.

The girl’s face brightened at the memory and she replied, “Oh right, I should’ve introduced myself earlier too. My name is Song Sun-hi.” Her voice was a very pretty sound kind of like a soft murmuring but with strength behind it. I like it.

That was when we all heard a door click open from one of the rooms down the hallway causing us to all look up. It was the manager. Aish, he had to come out NOW?! Wae?! He is SO annoying! I felt like pouting at the thought of our manager.

[Yonghwa POV]

The click of a door opening caused everyone to look up. By now, I had learnt the girl’s name and heard her speak clearly too and the moment for more discussion was broken by the manager of all people.

I was the last to look up but I knew with the silence that had fallen over everyone that it was the dreaded manager. No-one liked the manager because he seemed to like hovering over us, telling us to do this or to do that, always smiling that fake smile and popping into our apartment whenever he felt like it sometimes without even telling us beforehand but most of all, we hated his eyes. These plain brown orbs would watch us and tell us everything the manager didn’t say aloud.

Turning slowly away from the girl, I faced the manager with a poker face. The boys seemed to have suddenly stood in front of the Sun-hi, hiding her from the manager’s eyes. “Annyeong, manager.” I simply said.

“Annyeong, I want to speak to you all in the living room. Is that okay?” He gave his fake smile, as his eyes moved from one person to another. He gestured with his hand, pointing to the living room, as if we didn’t know where it was. I gave a tight smile and turned to face everyone else. They all gave me a look that said “What about HER?” I faced the manager and said, “You go on ahead of us. We’ll follow.” Manager nodded and walked off but came back soon after before I got a chance to tell Sun-hi to go home.

“Bring the girl as well.” He said and walked off again. Sun-hi looked up, bewildered at being called by her first name and stood up from her seat. She seemed to be a little unsteady on her feet until Jonghyun held her elbow, steadying her.

“Come on, let’s go see the pabo manager.” He said. I chuckled a bit along with Jungshin. Minhyuk just looked pissed and we all walked to see what the manager wanted.

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