Let's go shopping!

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[Narrator POV]

It was getting dark as I looked out of their window, so I stood up and said, “I should be going now. I need to go buy some food before the supermarket closes…” We’d been watching the older episodes of Running Man that they had recorded and had completely forgotten about the time. Yonghwa looked up and checked the clock mounted on the wall – 6:28pm – and stood up, “I’ll take you back to your apartment?” I nodded since I didn’t really know what to say. He walked in front of me, holding the door open as I put on my shoes and fished out my keys from my pocket.

There were some heavy footfalls from behind me just as Yonghwa was about to close the door. “Hajima~! I want to come too!” Minhyuk came jogging up to us and held the door open. “I… I’ll come with you to the shops. I don’t want to be left behind…” He pouted and stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking like a little kid.

“You can come with me if you like. Um, does everyone else want to come join me on my shopping trip?” By now the other two had come out as well. Jungshin who was leaning against the door frame said, “Ne, it’ll be a nice change and I need to buy some things too.” Jonghyun had just finished putting on his shoes and turned off the lights behind him.

So like that, I went back to my apartment, picked up my sling bag putting my keys and purse inside and locked the apartment door behind me. They had waited outside for me as I did all this and when I came back Jungshin led the way with Yonghwa and Jonghyun following behind. Minhyuk stayed beside me, giving companionable company before he spoke again. “Are you okay? From earlier today I mean. When you crash- um… ahh…the accident happened.”

“Mmm, I’m okay. My head doesn’t hurt anymore so don’t worry about it.” I could see he was unsure of himself and maybe a little shy. Well, it was pretty embarrassing I had to admit but I guess it was worthwhile? Being able to learn that I would be working with them in the future was definitely good. How exciting! Minhyuk kept stealing glances at me until we reached the stairs. I couldn’t help but giggle at his cuteness causing him to look at me questioningly. I just shook my head and we walked outside into the cool evening.

“Sure took your time you two,” remarked Jonghyun. But he was snickering behind his hand so I pretended not to hear anything. I checked my phone for the nearest supermarket which was only a few minutes’ walk. “Okay, kaja! The supermarket is only a few minutes away so we can walk there.”

Let me tell you that shopping with celebrities is HARD! As soon as I walked in after them, unnies were whispering and approached them timidly, ajummas were talking amongst themselves admiring how young the guys were, leaving me stuck behind a crowd of women. So I left them, grabbed a shopping cart and went in search of food.

“Hmm, carrots, bok choy, tofu, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, salt, sugar…” I said as I checked off the items on my list that I had written earlier and placed in my purse. I looked around searching for flour spotting it on a shelf ahead when someone came up behind me and went, “BOO!” I screamed so loud that it even hurt my own ears.

People looked at me as I turned around, face red with anger and embarrassment to see who the guilty party was. It was Jonghyun. He was laughing and clutching his stomach. “YAH! Why did you do that?! That was so embarrassing and you really did scare me!” I hissed at him. At this Jonghyun burst into laughter again. “Urgh, ottoke?” I groaned.

“Mwo?” Minhyuk came walking up from behind Jonghyun looking at both of us. “I heard a really loud scream around here… was that you?”


“I thought so, since there isn’t anyone else in this aisle.” He looked around, moving to the side to see around me. I picked up my list from the ground where I had dropped it. Flour. That was what I need next. I pushed the cart forward and put a bag in.

“You’re reaction was really the best I have seen. Ever,” A voice said into my ear. I turned to see his face VERY close to mine and stepped back to avoid going cross eyed.

“Jugulle?” I glared at him. I am still angry at him for causing such a scene involving me.

“Mwo?” He said making an innocent face. I turned back around and pushed the cart forward taking exactly two steps before I felt a tug on my shirt. “Gah, you’re impossible!” I said putting my hands in the air as I turned around once again to see that it was in fact not Jonghyun but Minhyuk. Oops, wrong person!

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