Two (happy) surprises

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[Yonghwa POV]

I yawned as I walked into our apartment just past midnight. The lights were off so it was difficult to see where I was going, but I slowly made my way through occasionally tripping on some foreign object or accidently hitting my hand against the wall. I stumbled along as quietly as I could until I reached the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and turned on the light. I moved to the sink and washed my face. I looked at the mirror hanging there and smiled to myself.

“Tonight was a success! Hopefully she didn’t realise who it was,” I said to the mirror. I finished up and slowly made my way to my room. I was glad no-one else was awake to question me and changed out of my suit. I went to sleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

[Narrator POV]

I slept restlessly, tossing and turning in my bed, still feeling tired in the morning even after 8 hours of sleep. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up on my bed, my sheets strewn everywhere, my hair a complete bird’s nest. I walked around my home in my oversized bear print shirt looking like the living dead, eating breakfast slowly before getting ready for work.

Even while moving slowly, I was still clumsy and tripped over nothing, righting myself before face planting myself on the floor. I got up and feeling slightly bruised but otherwise unharmed continued to proceed to the bathroom. By the time I finished, I had 10 minutes left before having to go to work.

My stomach grumbled loudly, even though I had cereal, and I went to grab an apple from the fridge. I ate it on the way to work (only 2 minute walk away) and as I stood in the elevator, my phone rang muffled among the things in my bag. I searched for it and answered the call.


“It’s Minhyuk,” Answered the person on the other side. I covered my mouth from the shock and nodded before realising that he couldn’t see me.

“Ah, yes?”

“Are you free at lunch?”

“Mmm, let me check,” I said, and rifled through my bag again for my schedule diary. I flicked through the pages and found that I was basically free the whole day. “Yeah, I’m free.”

“That’s good! Do you want to meet me outside at 12:30pm?”

“Sure!” I agreed quickly before I changed my mind.

“Great! I’ll see you then!”

I closed my phone and leaned against the glass of the elevator. The elevator dinged, indicating I was at the top floor. I stepped out, glad my phone call was quick, and put everything back in my bag. The director had called me the other day, telling me to see him as soon as I can to work and I checked my watch to see that I was on time.

I walked to the secretary and she stood up. “Are you here to see the director?” she asked. I nodded and she clicked on the intercom, “Miss. Song is here to see you, sir.” She looked up and waved me to the door. “Just knock and push it open.” I thanked her and walked over.

I brushed down my black pencil skirt, fixed my cardigan and ran my hand through my hair. I knocked on the door and slowly pushed open the door. “Come in!” a voice called from within. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me, since don’t they always say to close it?

The director was facing me from behind his desk and a woman wearing some very colourful clothing stood beside him. He smiled and I walked closer and bowed. “Anneyonghaseyo! Song Sun-hi imnida.” He waved me to sit down in one of the seats in front of him. I pulled out one of the chairs and sat down, putting my bag at my feet and sitting straighter.

“Okay! I will get right to the point. I called you here because I have decided that you will be a trainee! Isn’t that exciting?” He clapped loudly, the sound reverberating around the room. “You have been working hard and we can see the potential in you. Of course, before you truly become one, we will have professionals test you for any outstanding talent; singing, dancing, playing instruments; things like that. So, be prepared tomorrow and come early! Crystal here -” he gestured to the woman standing next to him, “– will be helping you and monitoring how well you do and report back to me. When you meet all the requirements, we’ll train you!”

The entire time, I sat there staring at pen he twirled between his fingers. The words he spoke flowed through my ears and to my brain, almost electrocuting me with each one that was spoken. He had stop speaking and I looked him in the eyes, “Yes! I will do my best!”

“Hwaiting!” He said to me as I stood up and bowed, walking back outside.

The rest of the day was a daze. I followed the manager around, doing the errands he told me to do and worked like a robot. 12:30pm soon approached and I walked outside. Minhyuk stood outside leaning against the bus stop pole. He waved when he saw me come out and stood from his position. “Annyeong! Sure took your time~” He joked. I smiled tentatively as I was still thinking about the offer and nearly walked into him.

“Woah there! Careful,” he said as he held my shoulders and steadied me.


“Well, let’s go get you something to eat. Then we’ll talk alright?” He bent down to look me in the eyes. I nodded and we walked to a nearby café.

We each ordered a drink – hot chocolate for Minhyuk and milk tea for me – and sat at a table close to the windows. I sipped at my warm milk tea, closing my eyes and savouring the taste. He drank his own slowly and watched me over the brim of his mug. I set my own down on the table and placed my hands in my lap. Minhyuk continued to hold his, long fingers curled around the black cup. I stared at those fingers, not wanting to meet his eyes, not wanting to see if what he was going to say will be good or bad.

“Sun-hi ah?”

“Hmm?” I moved my stare to the tip of his nose.

“Look at me.” He voice was stern, so I was forced to look at him. “Are you okay?”


“Well, um… how do I say this? Ahhh…” he scratched the back of his neck and his cheeks flushed slightly. I’m sure I haven’t seen this side of him right? Adorable~

“I really like you.” He held his cup higher, gulping the drink down and choking a bit. I rushed to his side and patted his back until he recovered. I smiled at him and I could see the tips of his ears turn pink. I was happy that he liked me~

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