Second confession

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[Narrator POV]

I walked to work as always feeling a bit miffed at the way Yonghwa was acting. “Wait a minute,” I muttered to myself. I turned around to see if anyone was behind me or within hearing distance then continued to try and work out the idea forming in my head.

“Okay, so first was Jonghyun’s sudden kiss,” I said, counting off one finger. “Then there was the ‘Secret Admirer’ and Minhyuk’s confession,” I ticked off another two fingers. “And it seems like Jungshin feels… nervous?... when he’s around me.” I frowned at my fingers when it finally dawned on me. They… like me? No, love me? Can’t be! They’re famous compared to me, the average girl, I thought, shaking my head in disbelief. I sighed and entered the FNC building, going upstairs to meet with Crystal for my practicing.

“Here you are! Come here,” Crystal said as she waved me over and pointing to the projector screen at the front of the room. I sat down and watched her as she went around turning off lights and then pressed a button so a video started to play on the screen. I watched curiously as parts of concerts were played and close-ups of kpop idols were shown consecutively. When the video finished, the lights were turned back on making me blink to adjust my eyesight.

“So, as you just saw, we’ll be training you to become a famous idol!” She clapped enthusiastically while I just sat there feeling stunned.

“How…how long will it take?” I asked.

“Depends on how well you work. Looking at you, it’ll probably take a few months give or take,” she said and handed me a piece of paper.

I took it and scanned the page. On the sheet, it was a schedule. For what, I had no idea. “What’s this?”

“Your training schedule, silly. I’ll be your manager, so you won’t be working as an assistant to CNBLUE’s manager anymore,” she laughed.

“Oh, so I’m not an intern anymore,” was the only answer I could come up with.

“I heard you were studying music back in Australia, right? Do you know how to play any instruments or sing? Maybe even dance?” Crystal rattled off all these questions quickly, not even taking a breath. I’m sure she already knew the answers though.

“Okay, come with me. We’re going to test your physique today!” She announced and started to walk to the door. She opened it and walked out without waiting for me. Oh dear, it’s going to be hectic today, I thought as I followed her.

The day went by with me exercising and doing all sorts of tests for stamina, strength, agility and whatever else they could come up with. By the end of the exercises, I was then dragged off to be tested on my musical abilities. I had to sing, play all sorts of instruments and ending up with being able to only sing and play piano. After that, I was taken to a professional hairdresser where they fixed up my hair, trimming it just a bit and then handing me a whole bag of products as I left. Crystal enjoyed the whole day, watching and scolding me if I did something incorrectly or simply chatting away with the professionals.

I was so exhausted that Crystal had to ask a bodyguard to take me home. My legs were literally dying from all the exercising and walking around; my arms were too tired to lift the heavy bags of products and clothing and my eyelids were starting to droop closed. I had just managed to get inside my apartment before collapsing on the sofa. I had not expected the day to turn into such a nightmare.

I picked up one of the bags and took out my training schedule. I looked at it and saw to my horror more exercising. “Wae??!!” I shouted and kicked my legs in frustration. The muscle aches came back and I had to stop from the pain. I need some medicine. I decided to call Jungshin on my phone, so I dialled his number and waited. Then I remembered that he seemed to be nervous all the time around me but it was too late, he had already picked up the phone.


“Ne, it’s Sun-hi.”

Silence. “Ah, what can I do for you?”

I heard the hesitation in his voice but I continued, “Could you bring some medicated patches and medicine please?”

“Sure. Just wait for a while. I’ll be there soon.” Beep beep beep.

He had hung up before I could thank him so I just closed my phone and waited for him.

[Jungshin POV]

I hung up the phone and started to look for the medicated patches she asked for. “Hyung, where did you put the medicated patches?” I shouted down the hallway. I ran to the bathroom to look for them there. I searched in the cupboards and shelves but found nothing.

“Pabo, they’re in the kitchen!” Yonghwa shouted back. I hurried to the kitchen and found them on the counter.

“Komawo!” I shouted back when I found them. “I’ll be gone for awhile!” I said and quickly left the apartment.

I headed downstairs to her level and rang the doorbell. I crossed my fingers and hoped that I can finally talk to her properly. I heard shuffling footsteps and then the door clicked open to reveal a dishevelled looking Sun-hi. I blinked a few times wondering what on earth had happened to her.

“Come in,” she said while yawning. I stepped inside, taking off my shoes before walking into her living room. There were a few bags strewn about with the contents spilling out. I could see clothes, hair products and facial products. What the heck? Shopping spree? I thought. I sat down on her couch and found that it was still warm. She must’ve been sleeping here before I came.

She sat down beside me and turned to look at me. “Thanks for bringing the stuff,” she said, reaching for the bag I held in my hand. I handed it to her and she started to take the patches out and applying them to her legs and arms.

“Um, can you… put these on my back?” she asked, holding out the bag to me. She looked at me cutely and so I nodded and started to place them on her back.

As I started to put them on I started thinking. Should I tell her? Maybe she already likes someone… Ah, Jungshin, just go for it pabo! I put on each patch slowly and heard her sigh in relief with each one. I decided to ask her something first.

“Sun-hi ah?”


“Do you like anyone?” I said this nonchalantly and hoped she didn’t think too much of it.

“Not really…”

“Has anyone told you that they like you?”

“Hmm, yes actually. Minhyuk said so the other day.” Oh. He’s fast. I didn’t even know he likes her. I hope she didn’t say yes since her face isn’t giving anything away.

“Well… I just wanted to tell you something,” I said as I pulled her shirt back down. She turned around to face me and gave me her full attention.


“Ilikeyouwillyougooutwithme?” I said quickly.

“Mwo? Could you repeat that? You spoke so fast!” She said and gave me a weird look. I groaned internally.

“I like you. Will you…go out with me?” I repeated, slower this time.

I watched her face, searching for any sign of rejection. She smiled and patted my hand that was resting on my knee. Huh?

“I’m honoured you think so highly of me. Though I have to say that I’ll consider your offer, I haven’t even answered Minhyuk yet!” She laughed and I looked down sadly. “Don’t worry, I’ll answer you but you might have to wait.”

Well, at least I got it over with. I stood up and said goodbye as she thanked me for helping her. I left her home and walked back upstairs feeling a little out of it. I went inside and sat on my bed. “At least she hasn’t answered Minhyuk either.”

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