Part 2 of Two (happy) surprises

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[Jungshin POV]

The day before I could not concentrate at all and had distracted myself with housework and shopping, glad that no-one was home to bother me. But today, I had a photo shoot along with Jonghyun and it could not have been worse. The entire time that I was standing or sitting, posing with all sorts of things; my mind was free to wander. So the previous days thoughts flooded my mind and caused the photographer to keep telling me to concentrate.

All I could see was Sun-hi’s face – the smooth light brown skin, the long flowing hair, the way she walked and her hips would move – Stop! I didn’t dare go further, and would randomly smile as I thought of the way she spoke. She’s a funny girl, and everything about her is just… so… I sighed. Jonghyun was staring at me from his seat where he was waiting and raised an eyebrow. I pretended to not notice and went back to posing again.

[Jonghyun POV]

I watched Jungshin model and every now and then a smile would appear or a sigh escape his mouth. The coordi noonas kept harassing him to keep still and the photographer would also tell him to sit straighter; smile more; and look at the camera. This was getting ridiculous. He never got scolded and was always professional. Even I was sometimes jealous in the way he presented himself – a completely different person.

When it was my turn, I didn’t get to see him as he went to the dressing room to get changed. I did everything well and even heard one of the makeup artists say “He is certainly doing better.” After the photo shoot, we were driven back to the company in the group van and I didn’t get to interrogate him but as soon as we arrived, I pulled him into an empty boardroom. I locked the door behind me with a bewildered Jungshin staring at me with wide eyes.

“We need to talk.” I sat down in one of the large leather chairs and he sat in another one beside me.

“What happened today?”

“Mwo? What do you mean?”

“I mean the way you conducted yourself. You looked like a soppy, emotional mess.”

“Oh… that. It’s nothing of your concern.” He waved airily. But I was determined to get it out of him.

“It is something. I can see it in the way you act and it is of my concern if the people keep telling you off.”

“Psh. Doesn’t matter.” So he is going to be stubborn. Fine, I’ll play your game.

“Sureee… If you don’t tell me in-“ I looked at my watch, “- 1 minute. I will tickle you, and then at home I’ll do everything that you don’t like.” Though I probably won’t follow through.

He put up his hands in defence. “Um, no thanks. No tickling. Just hold back on those and I’ll…”

“Tell you?”

“Okay, okay.” He leaned back in his chair and simply said, “I think I like her. Maybe.” I cocked my head to the side and gave him a wry smile. So he really does like her, who would’ve thought. Now I have competition for her. I hope Yonghwa or Minhyuk doesn’t start liking her too. I dismissed these thoughts and stood up. I unlocked the door and stepped outside. Jungshin followed slowly, wary of my actions.

“You’re not going to say anything?” I shook my head and we headed upstairs to the practice room.

[Yonghwa POV]

I paced around outside of our practice room since Minhyuk’s drumming was too loud for any thinking.

“Okay, so yesterday at the restaurant was an obvious success and I haven’t seen her yet for me to tell if she knows yet.” I ticked off two fingers.

“I wonder if she’s mad or annoyed at me.” I tapped my chin and frowned as I paced. Hongki came walking by and heard me talking to myself.

“What’s this? Talking to yourself?” He stopped in front of me and blocked me from pacing any further.

“Hey,” I greeted him sullenly. I was still trying to think.

“Ohhh, look at the wrinkles forming on your forehead! You’re going to be a wrinkly old man!” He laughed and smacked my shoulder. I turned my head and glared at him.

“I’m trying to think here.”

“But you never think.” I raised an eyebrow at his remark and he backed away. “Where’s the humour? The charismatic smile eh?” I heaved a sigh.

“Kay then, I’m off to practice with the group. Cya!” He waved and continued walking. I shook my head and went back to my pacing.

[Minhyuk POV]

As I sat waiting around for 12:30pm to come around, I practiced on my drum set and beat out random rhythms. After a while, Yonghwa came in holding two bottles of water and handed one to me. “Practicing hard?”

“Yeah.” I gulped down the water and wiped away the sweat with my towel. I checked my watch – 12pm.

I stood up from my seat and brushed passed Yonghwa on my way out. “Go have a shower of something! You smell!” He shouted after me. Typical. I went to my locker and took out my bag of extra clothes and ran to the showers. After that, I dressed and hurried to the elevator – 12:20pm. I was still early.

With only 10 minutes, I waited happily outside, enjoying the cool breeze when she came out looking somewhat dazed. I wonder what’s wrong? I stood up and walked towards her.

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