Let's go shopping! Part 2

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[Narrator POV]

“Ah, mianhe…” I mumbled. Why is it that I’m always so close to one of these people, it seems that I have some sort of magnetic force towards them or something. I sighed out loud and hearing this Minhyuk tilted his head, looking at me curiously. “Are you… okay?” I nodded and turned back to the shopping cart.

Pushing it forward to the end of the aisle, I looked around for more things. Jonghyun jogged up behind me, poking me in the side. “You’re such a tease!” he chuckled and sauntered away, hands in his pocket. “Argh! Wae?! Why is he so… so friendly with me?” I fumed.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s like a little boy when he first meets someone new. Though he is actually very shy and quiet,” he said from beside me. I just sighed again, how can he even be shy? He’s a total jerk. I pulled some icing sugar off the shelf, bent down and picked up some dark chocolate chips, food colouring and placed them in the cart. “What are you making with all that?” He pointed at the pink bottle of food colouring in my hands.

“Mmm, I’m buying it for later use, icing on cake and things like that.” I put it in the cart as well. I continued pushing it and met Jungshin pushing a similar cart as he turned into the aisle. He had filled it with all sorts of foodstuffs, toilet paper, kitchen utensils and other unidentifiable things. I spotted some nice looking mugs, so I walked over with the cart and asked where he found them. Jungshin pointed to the next aisle over, labelled at the top – Kitchen utensils.

“Kaja! I’ll help you,” Minhyuk smiled at me. He held the handle beside me and pushed as well. It was kind of nice shopping with someone. I usually shopped by myself ever since I rented my own apartment back in Sydney. I smiled in spite of myself and enjoyed his company. We turned into the aisle and found all sorts of things. I was glad I didn’t bring any thing like this over, since it cost too much to mail over anyways. I looked at some pots and pans, choosing some simple ones; cute cat decorated mugs, picking out a blue one with a white cat on it and a red one with a black cat; some chopsticks, knives, forks, spoons, ladles etc. There was so much to choose from!

“Hey, hey come here! I found something really cute!” Minhyuk waved me over to where he was standing. He held up some plates decorated with cats. “I saw you picking out those mugs and thought you might like this. It’ll match!” Why are you so cute? He put two of the plates and bowls in the cart. I saw some plain white bowls and put some in the cart as well.

I figured that I had bought enough for now and it seemed like Jonghyun had disappeared as well, so I tapped Minhyuk’s shoulder signalling to go and we went to the checkout. Having paid for everything that I need for the week or so – I’ll buy the rest later – Minhyuk helped to carry my bags to a spot away from the mingling crowd of people around the checkouts. Here we waited for the three that were seemingly nowhere to be found. “Do you want me to look for them… or stay here with you?” he asked.

“You can go if you want, I can look after the stuff since we should be going soon,” I motioned for him to go. As soon as Minhyuk disappeared around the corner, Yonghwa had walked up behind me and was leaning against the wall watching me as I was watching Minhyuk. “Hey,” he said as I turned back to my groceries.

“Omo. Minhyuk just went to look for you guys…” I said waving my hand in a vague direction. He nodded and gave a small laugh saying, “Ne, I saw him as he went around the corner. The others will probably realise soon enough.” He had walked over and stood next to me looking at the shopping bags pooling around my feet. I looked down and saw that I hadn’t tied the bag handles and quickly bent down to do so. Yonghwa bent down as well and helped me with my many plastic bags. “Oh, what’s this?” He was holding the mugs up, examining the cats. “They’re very… you. Cute,” he said. I blushed when he said cute and stood up, pretending to fix my hair by tying it up into a ponytail.

Yonghwa stood up as well and saw that I was still slightly blushing. He smiled again, causing me to blush a shade darker. Argh, why is he making me blush so easily? Though, he is very handsome… My inner thoughts were in turmoil as I tried to not make eye contact. “Hey, what’s your –“ Yonghwa’s sentence was cut off as someone shouted in our direction.

“We’re here now. I’ll help you with the bags okay? Kaja,” Minhyuk said, picking up the bags and swiftly walked outside. Yonghwa also picked up a few leaving me with only two bags that were fairly light. I guess they’re being a gentleman. Jungshin also walked up to me holding several bags of his own and gestured with his chin to go. I nodded and said, “I’ll be right behind you.” But Jonghyun had lagged behind and I turned to see him staring at me. “Um, let’s go?” my voice wavered a bit as he continued to stare at me.

He was also holding some plastic bags and I could see that there were some instant noodle cups and ramen packets. Huh, interesting choice of food. I walked closer to him, until we were face to face. “Hello?” I tilted my head in question. Suddenly, he leaned forward and placed his lips on mine. I was too shocked to notice that he had dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. The kiss was a soft and sweet kiss, not like I had imagined it to be. But Jonghyun let go too fast, just when I was about to fully enjoy it. He smiled widely and simply picked up his bags saying, “Kaja. The others are probably waiting for us,” and walked away.

I watched him go, and blushed a deep red. I could still feel the lingering kiss on my lips and not wanting to dwell on it now, I hurried after him to where the others were waiting.

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