After lunch comes a shock

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[Jungshin POV]

Hmm, that girl was pretty I wonder what her name was, I should’ve asked but we were in a hurry, I thought as the van started moving. The other members are seemingly quiet today as I came out of my thoughts and looked up to see where we were heading. “Yah, Jungshin who was that girl you helped just then?” Minhyuk asked from beside me.

“I don’t know… I didn’t ask,” I replied.

“Aww, you should have!” He pushed my shoulder, “And she was so pretty too…” he mumbled.

Yonghwa looked up from his phone. It seems he is using it a lot more now that it is his own. “I wonder what her background is. Since she looks like a half Korean and half something else.”

“I noticed that too though I wasn’t sure,” Jonghyun added. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought about the girl.

It was the first time everyone was interested in one girl. Her presence was like a drop of water in a pond, affecting all of us and catching our attention in the ripples. I sighed a little, hoping that we might get to meet her again.

[Yonghwa POV]

I heard Jungshin sigh behind me as I sent a new twitter post. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

I turned my head to see his expression, it looked a bit … sad. His eyes didn’t meet mine but looked out the window instead. “That girl, she’s interesting. I want to meet her again and ask for her name,” he said in a quiet voice. I had never heard that kind of thing from him before. Even I wanted to meet her; it was my first time seeing a girl who DIDN’T scream as soon as they saw us. Maybe she didn’t know who we were?

I wonder what kind of person she is, I thought. My phone vibrated in my hands as a new text message came in. Manager: Meet you all at your apartment after your lunch break. I texted back okay just as we arrived at our favourite café, Mint Tea.

[Jonghyun POV]

“Yah, we’re here already! Wake up!” a voice said from beside my head. A hand shook my shoulder before they let go as my eyelids slid open slowly. I guess I had been tired enough after the practice to fall asleep in the van. “Look at you sleeping so soundly!” Minhyuk laughed from behind me. I was still groggy so I didn’t retort. I sat up properly from my slumped position getting a head rush in the process. “Argh, my head,” I mumbled as I rubbed eyes.

“How long are you going to take in there?” Jungshin shouted from outside.

“Aish, I’m coming I’m coming you impatient people.” I slid out of the car, checking my hair in the side mirror before putting on my sunglasses.  The breeze had a cold bite to it so I hurried after the others into the cozy café.


[Narrator POV]

“Ahh, what a filling lunch of ramen!” I patted my stomach feeling warm and happy. I got up and cleaned everything before I went around the house unpacking the cardboard boxes that had come this morning. I unpacked each one checking my written label inside the box to make sure that I had brought everything and where to put them in my new apartment. They were filled with most of my belongings from back home in Sydney so I was happy to see that everything was there and in one piece.

Knock knock.

I heard the sound on my front door and stopped what I was doing to answer it. Must be the apartment manager, I thought as I opened it. Instead it was a tall man who introduced himself. “Annyeong hasaeyo, are you Miss Song Sun-hi?” he asked.

“Huh? Ah yes!”

“Ah, then can I talk to you for a moment before they come?”

“They?” I wonder who he was talking about.

“Oh right, I’m the manager of CNBlue.” He said, his face not changing from his polite smile.

I felt my eyebrows shoot upwards at the mention of CNBlue. “You’re their manager? Ah, come in.” I realized soon after as he stood there. “It’s a bit messy though since I’m still unpacking.”

“That’s okay. I just need to ask you about something.” He said as I guided him to the sofa. He sat down, crossed his legs and put his hands together before speaking again; I sat across from him on the wooden stool I used as a temporary stand. “I’m here to tell you about your internship and trial period-“

I interrupted his sentence. “Trial period? What for and I didn’t hear anything about that.”

“That’s because the company only decided recently, just before you arrived here.” He uncrossed his legs and leaned his elbows on them moving closer to me before continuing. “I will be your guide as well as teaching you the basics and the further intricacies of the entertainment world. You will be my assistant and help the band as much as possible too.” He leaned back on the sofa and watched me with his well-trained eyes. I was shocked. I had no idea of what I was to do and was only told that I will be an assistant while also learning. “This is the trial period because we, FNC Entertainment, are looking for a new trainee and you seemed to have good potential, so we’re using this as an opportunity to test you.” The manager looked at his watch after saying this and stood up. “Well, I’ll be leaving now since the boys are coming back from lunch soon.” With that he bowed and left, closing the door behind with a soft click.

His words kept repeating in my head, “…looking for a new trainee…seemed to have good potential…” My face seemed to have frozen, a cold shiver running down my spine when I stood up suddenly deciding to follow the manager and ask him properly about what was going on.

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