First meeting! Maknae~

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[Narrator POV]

That night I was back at the hotel. All the documents were finalised and I was to move into the fully furnished apartment tomorrow morning. I lay on the bed thinking about what my first day as an intern will be like. I really hope I can improve my musical skills here in Korea, why else did my university professor recommend this company for me to learn new things.

“I WILL work hard! Sun-hi fighting!” I pumped my fists in the air and smiled to myself.

Before I knew it, I woke up to a bright morning. It seems to be a week of good weather but I checked my phone just in case. Hmm, seems today will be a bit chilly so I wore my favourite woollen cream white sweater. I packed everything that I had taken out (which wasn’t very much) and went to the reception counter to check out of the hotel. Because of my luggage they helped me call for a taxi to my new apartment. YAY! I’m moving in today and I hope there will be cute furniture, I thought to myself as I loaded my luggage into the back of the taxi.

The ride was short and in no time at all I had arrived in front of the apartment. I helped the driver take out my luggage before thanking and paying him for his help. A noisy crowd caught my attention as they crowded around the front of the glass building… no… FNC Entertainment. Was there something interesting happening there? I took my luggage inside the apartment’s reception area before going outside to investigate the reason for the noise.

Standing on tippy toes at the back of the crowd, I still couldn’t see very well what was happening even though I was taller than a lot of the people. Someone elbowed my stomach causing me to unbalance and fall onto my back. “Ow…” I groaned, as I rubbed my back trying to sit up. A hand reached down offering to pull me up. I put my own in theirs as they helped me stand up, brushing the dirt off my sweater. The silence of the crowd seemed deafening as they saw the person helping me up.

“Uwah, my sweater…” ( T^T ) I looked up to thank the person before realizing who it was. Jungshin. LEE JUNGSHIN! Of CNBLUE! Eeek! He helped me. Wahhh~ I stopped my train of thoughts before they showed on my face. But I could feel the lingering shock seep into a pink blush. I bowed low, 90 degrees in fact, and thanked him “Gamsa hamnida!” He smiled and chuckled at my politeness, “No problem, glad to have helped,” he said waving as he walked to the van that was hidden by the crowds before now fully visible as the other members climbed in. My hand tingled a bit as I looked at it. I remembered the rough texture of his fingers, the tight grip of his hand as he pulled me up bringing back my blush as these memories ran through my head again. (///w///)

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