Chapter 29

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🔫🔪Jayde P.O.V🔫🔪

Lots of death might happen today. I'm nervous that I won't succeed in my plan to talk to the supernatural races. Kai left three days ago and tomorrow will be a start of a different beginning. Elijah picked me up to go to the mansion, and I developed a lot of my powers. I wish I knew my mother, she would be a good help. Dakota burst into my room.

"What do you want," not even looking up at her folding clothes for I can leave.

"Someone is here to see you," she shrugged. I sighed walking past her. I walked to the door to see my Uncle Miles. Smiling I hugged him, Miles was Elijah's father.

"Miles. When did you get into town?,"

"I came in yesterday. I thought I would see you so know where my son is?" He spoke.

"He is coming in a few minutes. You can hang out and wait for him," I said going upstairs to my room. My inner wolf, Amelia had been whining how much she misses Kai. I know how she feels. I can only talk to her and have not shifted. So I heard steps from downstairs. I walked downstairs to see Elijah looking at Uncle Miles.

"Hey Elijah," I smiled.

"Sup Jay,"

"So let's get moving," I said with my bags.

"Bye Dakota," Elijah and I said.

"Can I come?" she asked.

"No, where we are going it's a bad place to be at," Elijah said covering details she didn't know about. She looked sad and pained, her eyes looked at me. I gave her a look to know he was right. She sighed and went up to her room.

We got in the cat and headed to the house. Elijah and Miles carried my things in the house. I walked to the kitchen and rested my head on the island. Looking at my tattoo on my wrist that said his name with a half heart. In the meeting room where everyone gather it was high tension in the air.

"I heard most of them are heading out to the central states. We need to head there before morning before anything will start," Castiel informed.

"We will head out at midnight. Let's go rest for tomorrow and hope for the best," I said

"I agree Jayde Archer," Veda said looking nervous.

"Veda what wrong," I asked.

"I heard rumor that some witches gone rogue I don't know if it's true or not," she said." But let's not focus on that. Everyone can go to bed."

I nodded my head and went to bed, setting an alarm for midnight.

The alarm sounded, and I went to take a shower and put on my outfit. Everyone was ready once I got downstairs.

"Are you sure you want to wear that," I had on a long train jacket.

"Hell yeah," I got on my motorcycle. They went to their car and went on ahead and I followed. The sun rose and nobody was there, this is more civil that I thought. We agreed to a hotel and got a little more sleep. I stayed up and zoned out. Screams and growls ranged throughout the air and I looked out the window. They walked out the door and blood might be shed on this day. She had her head down and gotten in the middle of where all the supernatural creature was or most of them.

"I want this," she shouted looking around." I want this to stop. Is this what you want. Are you happy that you are fighting against one another? This is what someone that wants death and destruction wants,"

"Who are you anyway," a demon said. "You are nothing but human, a sexy one a that."

"I'm your worst fucking nightmare. I kill all rouges a name unknown. The name is-"

"Jayde Ivy Archer and her sister is Dakota Marie Archer. If you are wonder who I am it's Willow Archer, mother of the two," the woman said the wolf area. I didn't believe she was back. She walked toward me at the same time the same demon was running towards us. I knew he was part of a pack or whatever it's called for a group of demons. I sensed that he had no humanity left. I been grabbed his arms and twisted his head snapping it off. They all looked at me with fear in their eyes.

"My child is part witch, demon and werewolf. You don't want to see her angry it's like the moon goddess when she angry. Power like no other. But she has none of this power." She wrapped her arms around me."Your father is alive needs time to heal. But that bitch that called a stepmother is dead."

She whispered the last part. Most of the rouge didn't like the little speech reunion. I guess nobody heard about the one girl that killed over a million packs of rouge. They all came after me some wasn't even rouges. I threw knives and shot arrows. I had mother sand aside I had everything under control. My teammates came to my side in help controlling this chaos. All I saw was red everywhere, and it felt good. There he was my real women Mickey. He was walking toward me clapping. You know how they do in those movies when they discover was playing right in front of me. He had two witches right beside him. Veda was right about the two witches that went rogue.

"Mick was this, all you're doing to get," I asked. He smirked meaning love. "How cute, well you sir can't always get what is wanted."

He slapped me, a loud growl come from Kai. I knew what the bastard wanted he was always like this. He set this up for me, wanted to take happiness away from me. The two witches went into a fighting stance. So he got his little whores doing his bidding. I walked up to him and then kicked the one that looked most whipped for him. We fought it out. Her friend helped after a while. I snapped both of their necks once I had the chance.

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