chapter 27

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🔫🔪Jayde P.O.V🔫🔪

I was in the gym with Elijah. Stopping to take a breathe for a second and drunk some water.

"How bad do you think it going to hurt when I shift," I said looking at him.

"Well if it's going to be like a demon transformation or similar. Like bloody hell," he mumbled. I continued to punch the punching bag wordlessly. We spared and weightlifting for an hour and half. Elijah was driving back home. Once he stopped at my house, getting out of of the car.

"Bye Eli,"

"Bye Jay," I walked upstairs to the house. Kai was sleeping on the bed in peace. Kissing him on the cheek. I took off my clothes and took a shower. When I came out with my towel wrapped around my waist. Feeling arms hug me from behind and kissing my neck. I smirked and let him do what he wants, but he will learn not to tease.

"Hey Kai. Glad to know that you're awake," I trailed as his hands rub circles on the sides of my stomach

"Jayde," He whispered biting my earlobe.

" horndog," I laughed.

"I can't help it. You are to cury," he turned me around kissing me. There was a knock art the door. For the first time I was glad that some wanted something. I threw on His sweatshirt that was laying around and opened the door.

"Jayde, could you go somewhere with me," Niklaus asked.

"Yeah. Let me change clothes," I smiled.

Quickly closing the door. I put on grey and black plaid button up and a black pant with grey converse.Leaving Kai that little dingle hornmutt alone. He needs to more self control, the sin of lust is not pure of heart. I walked downstairs and met Niklaus at the door.

"So where are we going," I said as I drove down the road.

"To a party and have lots of fun. Hoping nobody will get drunk," he mumbled the last part.

"THanks really cool that you choose me out of everyone else, kid. How about we get some alcohol," he nods in excitement.We stopped at the store, I brought 3 12-packs of beer and 2 bottles of vodka. We went towards the party which was the typical loud music and already drunk people. We got out and the first thing I saw was a beer keg. Doing a handstand while people held my legs. People around me was cheering and shouting. Niklaus looked astonished by the way I finished the keg in five minutes. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and drinking it .

We was dancing till the cops came. Grabbing wasted Niklaus and drive home. Once we had gotten home we I dropped him on hiso bed but he just fell on the floor. On the downstairs, I grabbed something to eat. I heard footsteps and a smiley Dakota.

"Oh, Hey sister where were you. It was funny how Kai was rambling on about you and Niklaus going somewhere. He was also worried that you two would end up in jail," she laughed. Of course Kai would say something like that.

"Dakota, I need to tell you something right now. Hey Jayde glad you're back," Teri said holding Dakotas waist.

"What do you want," she said.

"I'm a werewolf," Teri confessed with his eyes closed. He waited for a few minutes and then opened his eyes. I looked between the two and Dakota looked at me.

"Did you know about this," she pointed at me. I nodded my head.

"Yes. But it wasn't my place to tell you. He had to tell you on his own," I explained.

"I'm sorry. I can explain it all to you, Dakota," He said.

"Whatever," she plainly responded walking past the both of us. He followed like a lost puppy. I went on the couch and went to sleep. It was mid morning and everyone was asleep. Looking through the fridge and found my chocolate stash that nobody would eat. Happily sitting at the bar and ate it.

"Hey Jayde," Kai entered the kitchen getting my chocolate.

"Hey babe," I said looking up at him. My phone beeped and looked at it seeing it was a Elijah.

*Open the back door. I think vampires are at the front.*

*They are allies. Do you have Harley?*

*What the actual fuck Jay but other than. Yes, she standing right here.*


I went to the back and they came in. I gave both of them a hug. Then went to the front and let my vampire friends in. Sam and Savvy came downstairs and everyone acted normal like. We all watched tv and wow how the pack grew. It was the 3 vampires, whose name I forget sometimes, Teri, Kai,Harley, Elijah, Dakota, Savvy and Sammy even though they don't know anything. I got up and went to my room with Kai following me. I heard Kai growl 'No. I'm not' behind me. The guys all started to laugh. Tomorrow is a training day and I dont have school either but everyone else do. I love being the smartest senior ever.

"Hey wake up," I told Kai. "Kai wake your ass up or nothing will happen on your birthday. That is in two months and three days."

He got up quickly and got dressed. Everyone left for school and I went to council house. The war was in a month, I could feel it. Unlocking the door and going to the basement level. Everyone was there stretching and they all got to me at once. I saw Elijah as the fastest and used fire power and make him feel like hell the bad parts from what he told me. Harley was in her wolf form, I took her pushing her against the wall. She easily got up but that wasn't the point of her. I learned to play mind tricks in a fight. It won't work all the time just yet.

"You are getting better," Harley said probably sore. while Veda attacked me.

"Cool. I'm going to be stronger that Eli," I smirked flipping Veda over

"Don't think that so fast. He's been here for years," she tripped me.

"I trained longer," since i'm the youngest, that what the fuck she meant.

Hidden SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora